
The amount of self proclaimed “feminist” film critics defending him and his re-entry into the film community just because they’re friends with him is disgusting. Faraci was a POS even before news of the assault came out. He’s toxic.

Did it ever occur to you that some of these ‘mums’, as you so flippantly put it, have very important reasons for having those torches? Just because you don’t need a torch, how dare you judge these brave mothers for their choices.

Reading comprehension is important.

The laziest thing SHE has ever done.


Just no. No to this. This makes me think that the whole section is just going to be boxy cat tees covered in sequins and glitter. JUST OFFER THE SAME FUCKING CLOTHES IN LARGER SIZES. HAVE THEM ON THE SAME GODDAMN RACKS.

I just thought, hmm lefty’s the big guy on her.

“The doctor stings you [with a live bee] like it’s an acupuncture needle. I had it done on my cesarean scar… I had some buckling in the scar, and it really evened it out.”

No, but then most ‘WWII German Army Officer’ Fancy dress costumes available to rent generally have the swastika armband to make it absolutely obvious. You’d have to put in a lot of work to find something relatively cheap that doesn’t actually have the swastika on it. Or, rather, 15 years ago you DEFINITELY didn’t have

Although it’s worth pointing out that the German Officer characters in ‘Allo Allo’ were, in fact, the butt of most of the jokes and the entire series was basically a piss take of Nazi occupation of France.

The thing is, ‘Allo Allo’ is a CLASSIC TV show, beloved by the WWII generation and beyond. In recent years, british TV has become a cess pit of politically correct blandness and reality TV shows showcasing the worst people britain has to offer, but many ‘classic’ TV shows are shockingly un-PC - Only Fools & Horses,

(God forgive me; I couldn’t help myself)

She has a jade egg in her left breast. It prevents cancer.

Not sure, but I imagine you can sit through a lot of shitty scenes for glimpse of her pet dog Jacob’s endless abs. Rut-row!

Her body just looks really wrong in that poster, doesn’t it? Not body shaming, I’m talking about them photoshopping her into the uncanny valley.

Ooh ooh you forgot to mention The parents joke about their fetus liking sex! Excuse me while I vomit.

Spoilers! The relationship continues to be super abusive, and the lead characters continue to be awful. Now with a baby at the end, to reinforce a bit of heterosexual domesticity and balance out all that naughty hardcore XXX spanking.

I sure hope no one looks up pics from the 70's Brit punk movement or else they might end up deleting half their music files.....

(not saying things like that or PH are right. Just the world changes, people learn & grow and regret things they did as they wouldn’t dream of doing later.)

I’d still goebbels up any of his baked goods. I know it’s not reich, but I have a sweet tooth to concentrate on.

Goddamnit Paul the new GBBO is just hanging on by a thread to the old GBBO and you were that thread and now that thread is a Nazi thread! I did na-zi that coming.