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The live version from the CMAs is SO SO GOOD.

Dat gif.

Not bad. It’s a tough song to sing.

I think he looks exactly like Nicholas Hoult, and my brain was kind of confused at first.

Whew. We did it, guys. Racism is over. That was hairy for a little bit there.

I agree. That last bit about him having nothing to be embarrassed about is particularly troublesome. Imagine if someone said that when a hacker posted photos of a woman’s naked body.

I hate the way the Bieber nudes hack is being reported on. Posting someone’s nudes without their permission is a sex crime when it happens to women AND men. How can we expect revenge porn to be taken seriously if we brush it off when it happens to a famous dude because ‘lol he has a big dick, good for him’?

Honestly, I swear Hollywood is still stuck on the, “Oh, you’re Asian. You will be cast as a martial artist,” kick. For every Fresh off the Boat stereotype breaking roles (save for the Tiger mom role) there are so many more roles that hold up the stereotypes. Sometimes you come across a show that doesn’t play the

There is a disbarred(not sure if that is the correct term) lawyer in my town named Thorn Thorn. Every once in a while I will see him pop up on fb and wonder what his parents were thinking.

This is important to my family. My son is half Korean and I can think of one positive representation of Asian men in pop culture *outside of Asia*. Other than Daniel Dae Kim’s roles in Lost and Hawaii Five-O, I can’t think of others. He reads the Calvin Coconut and Alvin Ho chapter books, and I am grateful for those

What, you didn’t like discount Eric Bana?

Aaand now I’m pregnant

I hope it does something to make other actors follow suit.

Here is a picture of Ed with his son.

God I love him and was so mad when he dropped out as Daario Naharis. He was so cheesy-sexy and amazing.

I can’t wait to read all the comments from the fanboys about their anger over PC culture ruining everything...

I had a professor whose sons are Thor and John. My son, the God of Thunder, and my younger son, the most common name in the English speaking world.

Both slang for weed? Weird lol

OR!!! OR!!! hackers can leave everyone alone so that they can enjoy their sexy photos as consenting adults should be able to.

I find it so hysterically funny when people have one child with a normal name and another one with a really odd name. I will never forget a pair of sisters I used to know, who were named Mary and Lettuce.