
I think the GOT death rule is that nobody’s dead until you see them die, and even not then. Light a candle for my ginger prince, tho. He needs to make those giant babies with Brienne!


Yes, James Cameron, shut up.

Are you a crystal?

I’m sorry about your bad private plane experience, KH.

This is the only statement about crystals I have ever respected.

For real though, crystals are cool, they’re pretty, but they’re not fucking healing anyone. The placebo effect is a powerful thing, but damn, don’t push that on people who might actually waste hundreds of dollars on pretty pieces of rock.

Were you looking to solve a problem in your relationship by opening it up to other people? Cuz that’s what this guy is doing instead of actually working with the LW to fix/solve the problem. That never works. Nobody is judging poly/open relationships. They’re judging the bullshit coming out of this guys mouth

Or “my boyfriend is afraid to be single so he wants to keep me until he finds a new girlfriend.”

You flatter me (while insulting these sweet letter writers). I have some advice for you!

So, like, it’s the way he’s going about it that’s foul. He was in a monogamous relationship and now wants to open it up but, according to MVP, this is the first she’s heard that he’s not been happy for 2 years. If he went into it being like, “hey I’m poly, let’s do the damn thing,” before the 4 years I’d be much more

Also - boyfriend is (or wants) cheating but also wants “girlfriend” in the picture in case cheating sex scenario doesn’t work out to his satisfaction.

Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

YES! Happened to me in college. Boyfriend wanted to be able to see other people, I reluctantly agreed and ended up with an awesome, sexy, funny, cool dude. Guess who was really pissed off and wasn’t getting any???? HA HA

Opposite note for MVP. Your dude will be deeply sorry when he finds out you could have a revolving door of lovers at your beck and call. I swear every other story I hear of a guy wanting an open relationship ends in him finding out that you will have a LOT easier time finding lovers then he ever will. And once the

Who cares about snooty sister or polyamorous boyfriends?
Get that short-tempered, pathological liar out of your life, Letter One person.
Deluded people (particularly ones that get angry when you call them on it) are potentially dangerous people.
This is not some likeable tendency toward exaggeration, it’s full-blown

Dear MVP, dump your current boyfriend and enjoy your life.

Dear MVP,

I read this title as “ my boyfriend wants new pussy but still needs to split the rent cost”

heavily tattooed 42 year old here, with rotating hair color. works in professional office. i don’t get “concerned” comments but oh my god the touching and all the questions.