Yes thank you very much. Also Foo fighters. Fight me idc! Also welcome, please talk lots of shit on rhcp in the future.
Yes thank you very much. Also Foo fighters. Fight me idc! Also welcome, please talk lots of shit on rhcp in the future.
You know, if this is your response to women sharing their stories of abuse—whatever race they are—I wouldn’t be surprised if you were a perpetrator yourself, because to speak that way speaks to a deeply insensitive, sociopathic and abusive mentality. Additionally, it might behoove your backwards ass to research before…
Not just any sammy, but a yummy sammy.
I also hate when people refer to it as being “preggers.” Like, jfc, if you can’t just say pregnant, don’t get pregnant.
>when it’s pointed out that black men kill well above their proportion of the population, “progressives” go meh...
Imagine waking up every day and assuming a totally new look like Jeanne Moreau in The Bride Wore Black. (Of course she had to look different to kill all her targets, but whatever...)
I am so fucking disappointed that it’s for a movie and she doesn’t randomly recreate famous movie outfits just to make a coffee run.
Everything is on point except that hat! They should have found a less floppy hat. If she put it together herself, I’d be impressed, but knowing this is for a movie... Come on! Or maybe the floppiness of the hat is used to comic effect...
I can’t even hate on them.
The second I lay eyes on it I thought, “Big mistake. Big. Huge”.
If they cared they would have let him go in peace, not keep him hooked up to machines. It may be heartless, but at least I’m not the one keeping a dying child alive for my own mental wellbeing.
Even worse is when people misspell preggo on message boards/forums as “prego,” which happens far more often than one would think. It always makes me think of shitty pasta sauce.
NOBODY hates twilight more than “RPatz”*. there used to be a tumblr devoted to him ripping on it, sadly, it has been taken over by some sort of spambot. it was a thing of hilarity and beauty! for example, when asked what he stole as a parting gift from the set he said “my dignity”. lololol! also, this lovely…
The hospital released a statement explaining that taking Charlie home would be very risky for his pain management, and also highly impractical (there are several specialists involved in his care), but his parents only seem concerned that they “promised” they’d take him home. That poor baby has no working senses and is…
The Marvel movies are legit and awesome and fun!
I hate ‘sammy.’ Some of my close relatives alternate between ‘sammy’ and ‘sammich,’ and they’re pretty lucky that you eat those with your hands because it makes me want to stick a fork in their eyes.
In retrospect, I am forever-grateful for being raised around Black women, who can be best described as “hard-assed with piss and vinegar running through their veins”. The type of women that you’ve only seen glimpses of in comic books and Alice Walker novels. The type that you would think that would be found standing…
I clicked on the US Weekly link and had the unfortunate pleasure of reading the word preggo, which bugs me. The only thing that would have made me even more annoyed is if Tori Roloff had said the hubster got her preggo and when she had cravings, he made her a sammy.
Maybe it’s one of those Munchhausen by proxy cases where they like the attention, because God only knows they ain’t doing it for the benefit of their kid.
At this point do they just disagree with whatever the hospital recommends to be spiteful? There’s no way they’re genuinely unaware of the amount of effort, equipment, and attention is necessary to keep Charlie alive minute to minute.