She has been on the right side of a lot of shit and no one EVER gives her credit. She is not a terrible person.
She has been on the right side of a lot of shit and no one EVER gives her credit. She is not a terrible person.
She’s been pretty open and verbal about PP and BLM for awhile now
Jeremy Renner staring into ScarJo’s magnificent breasts is certifiable proof that us gay men love a great rack!
If Kim Kardashian West can mobilise her fans to come out in support of the ACA then we should stop bitching about her for a month.
Last night I was wondering if Varys is playing so realllllly long game - like what if he’s for the children of the forest?
Not to defend Ellaria or the Sandsnakes (very confused how anyone would think the tv version of them are at all compelling when they’ve been completely undeveloped as characters and generally ignored but for doing violence against their own cousin, king and a 15 year old girl), but it’s interesting to see how many…
This comment is everything to me and I completely agree. I was really surprised of the comments made about her in the beginning seasons. Like, you think a child who was raised to look forward to being wed off and live in a castle is bad for doing so? But the parents and society that raised her that way are beyond…
If she’s not, then that writing was even more egregious.
She is phenomenal. She’s like Gus Fring from Breaking Bad, or Stringer Bell from The Wire- a truly determined and formidable enemy. She is smart and calculating, she is ruthless, but her own character arcs are very well written as well. She’s 10X more terrifying now that she doesn’t have any children, her one…
Or Jon could talk to her and his close allies in private first like a good leader. Jon sucks at this.
Lady of Winterfell and regent. Did you miss the part where Jon literally said she’s in charge while he’s gone?
I’m sorry but you know this is BS. Sansa is in charge now. You know full well no one will raise an objection to Arya disagreeing with her in public when it inevitably happens.
Jon is a fucking idiot, where the main trouble seems to be that he stumbles dick-first into lucky outcomes despite trying his hardest to screw himself over.
My favourite thing now is looking at minor characters and wondering if they’ll take the Iron Throne in the end.
Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show
It’s thrilling to know, for instance, that “Prince that was promised” could also mean “Princess,” but the expository way Missandei explained the translation to Daenerys was pulled straight from a freshman screenwriting class.
Nymeria took one sniff of Arya and was all like “Um yeah girl you seem to have your shit together. Ima look after all these hungry pups who don’t. Good luck in your future ventures. NYM OUT.”
Oh, and last thing - it really bothers me that Dany doesn’t have a Dothraki on her council. She’s planning to deploy them to fight for her, so why doesn’t she have at least one representative of their army in her war room? It makes them into tools instead of people, and after spending years with the Khalasar in one…
Theon’s dignity might be dead, but it finally gives Gendry and his rowboat a chance for redemption!