Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

what was it ... about 30 yrs go (early 90s) when everything was rounded. Rounded Taurus, rounded Neon, soft & round Camry, Caprice, Riviera, hell even a 911/996 was roundly softened.  A lot of sucky design cues back then.

this is goddamn correct — Shia is both abusive AND an alcoholic. The abuser part is always there and the alcohol just further loosens the cuffs to let it rage a bit more. Shia is a manipulative little fuck that will always find folks to forgive him and someone that’s gonna lose their sanity trying to love him.

“... the beloved actor ...” who the FUCK you talking about? Shia?

Hey y’all ... I know this is ‘bout Tulsi’s idiocy but since there ain’t a Gawker and no one Jezebeler has put this up yet I just gotta point ya to something pure stupid.

that’s because she looked better in a one-piece (though Bernie does rock some tight buns ...)

Stand by for an official response from the state of Colorado

dude, if that’s your phallus how do you keep from pissing yourself?  But on the other hand, I’d bet the missus is pretty damn happy :}

God was UNION?  I knew it all along ...

betcha that “about” in her four classes away quote is a pretty loose estimate.



oooh, I betcha cuddlin’ wit you under a faux mink blankie would throw off enough static to launch a Tesla ... the sparks would FLY

dunno whothfuq is Chuck Puth but I was 100-cent sure that pasty white splay-footed dorked out gait was DiCaprio’s. Hmm ... I’d now wager ya couldn’t tell Leo’s from Chuck’s now if they was s-by-s

Lord I don’t know what the hell that was ... she was just so much seated horseshit. I have no idea why she wasn’t escorted from the premises or just wholly dismissed by the state reps. That shrill dumb woman (that sounds sexist until you watch her) put on the most pathetic display of stupidity I’ve see in quite some

The family of this creep’s only living (and abandoned) child should bleed every penny they can ...

whoa ... you are really stretching out the memory strands there ... why reserve brain cells for that AI-Sanjaya memory? You need a tab of acid dude to wipe some of the slate clean ...

there is NO consequence to nice price this piece of sh*t (its even in the correct color). It’s a “whatever” knee jerk to thumbs up some of these posts. 

dunno, for some reason she still vividly has space in my mind ...

didn’t your town get on you to decrease your stock of decrepits?

urban legend gets real