Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Glock Girlie will not have a fun time in DC. Too much reading, not enough limelight to go around, and too much work. She’s a FL born GED-educated attention leech whose husband has been up on both an indecent exposure and domestic violence charge in the past (https://tinyurl.com/y656uxzn)

funny that Mar-A-Lago is zoned commercial, so full time residential use is restricted ... so not sure where they land permanently.

you don’ like that pinched face, blonde-highlighted, “fuck I’m so over this” kind of look? That girl is horny texting Juan, the Mar-a-Lago pool boy, and she’s keeping her Brazilian edged very neatly while X-ing off the days ‘til Jan 21.

Ricky? Domestic abuser Ricky Schroder?

imagine me & 2 dudes in a rusted out mid-80s Tercel wagon with large holes in the footwells, a burned out clutch, and seriously fading brakes making the hairpins and unlined hilly roads of St. Thomas after a tropical storm.  That was scary ...

where in the fuck are the handlers for this shit show? I’m loving that these slimy jackasses and their unabridged & unhinged pressers makes them look like they’re out on a Purple Drank bender.

boy, you think spending Thanksgiving dinner with crazy Uncle Hank is bad just imagine having NutBallz Powell as your mother-in-law and forced into T-Day at her house ... fuck that would be worthy of suicide.

well sure they do ... especially if you ask them now 60 days before Trump leaves office. Sen. Cruz also wants y’all to know that porn tweet like on his official account was totes just some rando staffer and NOT Teddy.

that some fine journalistic integrity you got there Carl.

GSA = “We provide centralized procurement for the Federal Government, ...”

you say potato and I say tomato ... what’s the diff?

“This is harassment pure and simple,” Ivanka tweeted.

alrighty, alrighty, alrighty ... gimme a min to think about cars & Lincoln

Hah. first ya gotta squeeze Lincoln into a Miata. Dunno about Newton but he’s been described as a tiny & weak baby so I’m guessin’ the little feller could fit w/ no problem.

I don’t think Kayleigh or many people are getting face-2-face time with Trumpster these days. I’m thinking he’s got his fat ass in the Coke can strewn Oval Office dining room and he’s glued to the TV, his cell, and a spittle stained speakerphone. He’s closing off and closing down and going off on a big mopey depress. 

and her kids ... let’s go ahead and wipe out the next generation of Trumps. I want it all at cartel or even North Korea level removalIvanka, her hubby, her kids, her siblings, her accountant/dentist/therapist/plastic surgeon ... lets do our best to clean up all those stains.

well, just make sure you’re talking business and try to entertain a client or business prospect and then you can write off that meal.  

I hope Daddy Derpo, JarVanka, Derp Jr., Eric, and all the leech like grifters are continually investigated (need to disabuse the idea its “harassment”) for their crimes or their lawfulness. Hey Ivanka, if you did nothing wrong then let ‘em shine a light and find the facts. Those folks that deflect, minimize, or cry

Count the Votes Tax Deductions. 

damn beautiful grumpy bastards, to be exact