Hell-iph-I-Kno ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

so you’re saying this really isn’t for the US market?

can that wagon be pulled by a bike or something? 

not a single dickless grifting GOP Senator is going to come out an vote down ACB at this time. Murkowski will but I highly doubt that human shaped bag of thrift store jello Collins will even stick to her original promise.  Biden is just trying to play it so very safe to get all those moderate pro-life suburbanites to

I wish not good things for Donald.
I have recurring dreams where not good things happen to Donald.
I wish I never had to think or consider Donald ever again in the rest of my remaining life.
I wish my children never had to think or consider Donald ever again throughout all of their lives.

18 days to vote, 19 days ‘til Cheetohlini’s butthurt DEFEAT. Eyes on the prize folks and lets get out to vote, get others out to vote, or get those mail ballots back in and confirmed.
We. Are. Almost. There.

child traffickers? nah ... just tell ‘em your doing some kinder carpooling

Ernst in Iowa couldn’t hazard a guess as to the market price of corn or soybeans.  If 99.5% of your constituency are hayseeds and gritty beaners but you don’t know what the fuck is happening in the market then you really suck at your job.  

Caroline offsets that grifting jackass brother Andrew.

as always in politics, better to have the everyday Joe suckers or the graft paying corps fund your ego stroking campaign rather than spend your own $$s

man, you can drop Sean Spicer into almost any conversation and I will laugh my ass off at the through of that feckless fuck.

getting a Adams Family Lurch vibe from Barron

why not? why in the fuck should we show any hope for Barron? yeah, so he didn’t get to choose his father and he’s only 14 but I honestly could give less than two shits sympathy or any well wishes for anyone in the Trump family.
World would’ve been better off without Uday & Qusay Hussein, without Kim Jong-un, without

you mean the weak one? 

I’d be up for Rudy taking the Herman Cain way out ... 

if they can’t then give LEGOs a try

I’ll gladly hit John Mayer in the face with a frying pan.  Is there a line or can I go first?

We sure he wasn’t Pvt Pyle in Full Metal Jacket

looks about right

Duke cosplaying lobotomized McMurph to new level — Damn that boy is good

wait, this isn’t Barf Bag?