
Daisy & Jemma’s fawning over each other while stoned is exactly how Chloe Bennet & Elizabeth Henstridge behave together in Chloe’s IG stories.

Monkey-Fitz was actually rooted in established character lore; Fitz has always wanted a monkey.

I’m waiting on the blu-ray gag reel, ‘cause ya just KNOW Bennet & Henstridge ad-libbed a kiss on one of those takes.

Agents of shield has to have some kind of record as the most consistent show. It is always at least good. I mean this was a blatant filler but i was never bored. I think the last episode that was below good but still not a bad ep was the Mack centric ep way back in s3. 

Joel Stoffer as Enoch has been absolutely amazing. When Enoch was spiraling in shame, even though it was funny you still got that it was real for that character.

Totally digging the 80s synth Blade Runner style music in this episode. Also Enoch is quickly becoming MY best friend.

On the subject of a jarring clash of ideas, the suggestion seems to be of some sort of time policing going on. What might be the implication for one Steve Rogers et al?

Your point of view is totally fair, as that was a pretty sudden change of pace. However with only 13 episodes per season, it seems as though things will move quicker, and that hasn’t been easy to get used to even as just fan who watches the show(I can only imagine the time it took them to decide on what kind of story

Yeah, Jemma last week and at the start of this week was really annoying. Davis hasn’t seen his kids in months. She don’t care. All that matters is what she wants. Dick move, Jemma.

I thought they did pretty well establishing that everyone else is tired and wants to go home and regroup, do the laundry, get some food before trying again. But Jemma can’t wait another moment and is willing to do any, no matter how unhinged thing to get Fitz back. It make sense for her character. We saw what the two

This is kind of in line with the comment I posted. :) If the Fitz that died is different from Fitz in Space...could this be the Coulson that, for whatever reason, did NOT board the Lighthouse with YoYo, May, and Robin?   Could this be the Phil from torso YoYo’s world? The kree can kill and unkill humans, and dying


Jesus, just write fix-it fic like the rest of us.

You sure about that?  You positive that all of this faux outrage, passive-aggressive nonsense happening all over the internet isn’t going to have any effect on artists/writers?  Because I’m not at all positive about that.  In fact, I think it’s the opposite.  I think this amount of screaming lunatic outrage has a most

I think deep down they know, they just want an excuse to feel superior by building up some ridiculous strawman. They’re painting this as some Gamergate-tier harassment campaign when that’s very obviously not even close to what it is, and using it as an excuse to vent their frustrations at anyone with a different

No, I’m suggesting they think it’s serious action. And I’m suggesting that doing something like that is utterly silly. My wording may have been a little unclear there--mea culpa.

Really stupid.

Some dickheads tried to game Google where Weiss and Benioff’s names came up when you searched for “bad writers.”

Why its as if GRRM himself has something to say about this:

Because there are too many things stuffed every episode and they don’t know what to address first? eheheh