
R.I.P. Crossfit Tinker Bell

Mack isn’t a good successor because he doesn’t really believe in SHIELD. I mean, it’s been a running joke that he’s tried to quit like 5 times. For Coulson, it’s all about continuing the idea and values of SHIELD, so Mack doesn’t fit. May would be a good option, but it’s pretty clear that she doesn’t want the job. In

I’m pretty sure something horrible happens to Ruby anyway. She destroys the world.

How they going to do Talbot like that...I suspected something throughout the episode but it was still a surprise.

I took May’s criticism of Daisy to mean that Daisy was desperate to search for Coulson because she still wants him to lead her and the team.

I really like the stuff with Ruby and her mom, because it’s well-acted and well-written, but I’m wondering why we’re spending time with it in what looks like the final episodes of this show. Is there a thematic relevance to a child soldier? That’s closer to a Black Widow story than Agents of SHIELD, no?

You are right. Jemma is really missing two issues with her thinking.

Yes! Coulson told Creel about Talbot! I knew it. When I saw in last week promo they’ll meet I hoped Coulson would tell him that Talbot is out of coma and in Hale hands. That Hale has kept him prisoner and tortured him. And I hoped Creel would decide to save him. Talbot got him pardoned, believed in him and gave

I was with you right up until you said Coulson isn’t perfect- how dare you!?

I wasn’t talking about regretting taking it out, rather regretting how it went down with the whole drugging, kidnapping, no anesthesia situation. That part Fitz does regret, but barely mentioned it to her. He really needs to emphasize that. He’s asking her to trust him but not really giving her any reason to. Fitz

We catch up with Hale’s version of past few decades - from her stint in Hydra school to her current position as a contact with Confederacy of alien races.

Adrian Pasdar was on point in this episode.

This show is one of the few (in my life, probably) where I go, “Yay! A flashback episode!” They fill in the gaps with the good stuff.

-Coulson’s face after Hale tells him SHIELD and Hydra will need to team up was great!

Deke is a descendant of Fitz. You heard it hear first

This episode was incredible. Daisy and Jemma's hug after finding out neither was LMDs was heart-wrenching, especially after the heartbreaking realization that Fitz was an LMD.
I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and every time there was a commercial break I was so upset. My heart is still racing from the

So I went through some of Briege G's posts. It seems she is really upset with the way the show treated Ward. Because apparently the dude was on his path to redemption when SHIELD gave him to his brother, his abuser. And that's such a bad message.

The oft used line I have heard from people is that those shows are "fun", with "fun" always assumed to be defined just by saying that, and that is why they are 'better' comic book shows.