It’s almost like people are protesting a practice they dont want happening on gads.
Much like other games that do it. You put your commands in at end of turn your guys do what you tell them and at same time enemies move. Means where you aimed your ultimate spell of kickassery might not actually hit anything if they move out the spot.
My opinion is this probably shouldn’t be your first question.
Yeah Fred, you might wanna check the name of the team :)
Now that is a headline/picture juxtaposition for the ages.
I agree, we should be calling it what it really is, a Bioware killer.
Thoughts and prayers for the Megadoodoo family.
I mean, we have literal evidence that Snyder can’t see the forest for the trees.
Ah, a new entry in the “will my love for the look of the game override my loathing of survival mechanics” column.
Since when are exclusives a good thing? As far as I know Steam never tried to stop anyone from selling their games other places. This is a negative in my opinion.
It’s worth pointing out, per Supergiant’s FAQ on Hades, it’s only exclusive to Epic’s store while in early access. Once it’s done it’ll be available everywhere they can get it. So now we have online storefront timed exclusives. Who am I kidding though, I own Bastion and Transistor on multiple platforms already, I’ll…
This little Rodgers had most beef, this little Rodgers had Munn....
That being said, I don’t think you’d disagree that the quote implies that the games mentioned won’t be the improvement that fans are hoping for, but rather more of the same.
rule number one as a Black person I do not refer to other Black people as nigger NEVER. Rule Two if you call me one (whether you are Black or White ) I am going to slap you into critical. Expel this trailer park trash and be done with it.
That’s Jennifer Hale, aka Commander Shepard, as her VA if I’m not mistaken.
If you want to honor cops, do so. Just um...don’t use the BlueLivesMatter bullshit that was solely created to downplay the BlackLivesMatter movement...just saying.
How about a big FUCK YOU to you for not knowing that the BlueLivesMatter BULLSHIT was solely to counter the BLM movement?