
i’m just here to watch everyone call you a gigantic fucking dumbass

Maybe I am the minority but I prefer women who don’t like makeup. The excuse that makeup helps build confidence is a lie in every way imaginable.

Know what I find offensive? Your functional illiteracy.


Just the mini games work online sadly.

Behind Mike Glennon at the movie theater?

Fortnite finally got too big for them to ignore.

Wait, WHAT.

Not only does the story feel less immersive, but they straight up took a “twist” from FIFA’s Journey from last season. When Rob Schneider is the best thing in your mode, that’s when you look yourself in the mirror and go, “Nope, we did not get this right at all.”

well, not until you spelled it out just now...

Gwen Ihnat made a slight dig yesterday about Sharp Object’s slow pace but I am fully on board, even if plot points are slow to reveal themselves, given how damn well it’s made. There are so many accomplishments in building its unsettling tone, but nothing achieves those goals better than what I find to be its

Hold on, so when France won the World Cup all the news sites should’ve waited for 24 hours before reporting on it? You know, just in case some sorry asshole missed the live broadcast? It’s not a Game Of Thrones episode. Get real.

Curious as to what you think a games news site should do regarding the results of one of the biggest events in gaming when the outcome is already public. Maybe best to stay offline if you plan to watch a replay of a major live event and not get spoiled, friend.

Scam means it’s a deliberate attempt to trick people. I just think CR is incompetent and is bad at managing a project. From what I’ve read, this has been a long term problem when it comes to him.

Cousins: Hi, I’m looking for something that will serve as a symbol of my fleeting physical existence.

Can’t stand Fortnite’s gameplay, but holy shit are these MMO-style world events cool as hell.

The company consequently added up those 72 minutes and docked him a half-day’s pay.

Good boy. Sony is very proud of you. Now please go back into your shed until they need you again.

You could say the same about Nintendo, except they actually allow cross-play.