
While there are some really important procedural and evidentiary reasons why they would want to deal with this through legal representation, it’s very much worth remembering that Supreme Court law clerks not only have graduated at the top of their respective classes from elite law schools, but are very much on the

Really bummed that SNS wasn’t posted until so late, and that it’s a slideshow so the comments don’t work properly.

As to be expected, speaker after speaker trotted out every excuse imaginable for the recent shooting

I’ not sure I see the point in a debate. Walker is so far out of his element, he might as well be in another universe. Which is where the people who will vote for him are coming from, too. They will see and hear what they want to see and hear to reaffirm their preexisting bias against ‘the other’ who they’ve been

I’m not up on twitter rules etc but this post seems like praising someone you like for basically shitty behavior, the kind of shitty behavior you’d condemn coming from others.

How are you out of the grays?

Now playing

It’s not exhaustive but I think Legal Eagle’s YouTube video is a pretty good TL;DR rundown. And pretty hands-off on taking any particular “side”.

But that’s just it.. There is a mountain of evidence from MANY peer reviewed sources that indicate how financially draining having a child is, and the lower you are on the income spectrum the more it consumes.. not to mention single parents, young/unprepared mothers, rape victims, etc...

Basically every scientific

I’m starting to wonder if Square Enix is cooking their books in some way with all of this. It seems odd that Final Fantasy VII Remake part 1 can sit in development hell for actual decades and get chalked up as this massive success at only 5 million units sold while a new IP that’s only been in active development for

I wonder if they’re lowballing the salary because they’re looking for a certain type of person from a certain upper class part of society who doesn’t need it for the money, but wants it for the connections to royalty/nobility, as well as the potential prestige for future opportunities? 

Fuck anyone who said “Hillary and Trump are the same” in 2016. Fucking nightmare.

Imagine how long the list will be by the time most of us can buy one.

Like I know its been a thing for a while but I will once again ask, is the only damn person with any amount of sense left in Square the guy running FF14?

Because she wants to hide the fact that she’s in an extremist cult from people who don’t know it.

This game is going to make billions of dollars.

It’s not dangerous diet culture, it’s just psychology 101.

I can only speak for myself but... “Portal Fan wants Valve to make the next game before he’s ‘too old to play’ it.”

For me, the best Tolkien game is always going to be ElendorMUSH. For you young ‘uns out there, this was a text-based MMORPG (kind of) in the pre-Warcraft days, with a focus on collaborative storytelling instead of combat. Everyone played a unique character, and you’d gather together in a location — like, say, Bag End

The Hobbit, released in 1982, is an absolute adventure game classic that helped push the genre forwards in a number of ways, from its inclusion of illustrations to a complex text-entry system that let users string together long sentences (instead of just typing “open door”). It even had a primitive physics