
I used to do volunteer work teaching Seniors how to use computers and i used these birds as an anecdote for one of the lessons (Well i used the Brown tit, but the Great Tit would have worked fine) Basically in explaining to people to remember that a lot of words in English have double meaning. It was based on a story

Pretty sure any Executive order can be overridden by another executive order. 

If they are doing this to porcupines  They are likely doing worse to people or will do worse to people in the future. Animal cruelty is often a prdecessor to worse things. (Not that Animal Cruelty isnt bad it is)

For the big fights honestly this makes a lot of sense. For those your not making a lot of individual flyuing Decisions. Your FC tellls you what to do you look at the ship that has been pinged in your Hud and you fire at that ship. Theres so much going on you may never actually even see what just got hit before your

Theres an Entire study  of Proto indo european mythology that is just that. Not all of the pantheons got all of the same gods but they all ended up with enough in common That you can Track the trends between the various Sky gods for example

Roman as a description applied to a wide swath of people who lived in both Europe, Africa, and Asia Minor. Its not good as a descriptive term for skin colour without connecting a region to it.

The reason that there is similarity in the image around Balder and Jesus is for two reasons. First they are both use sun god imagery and Second the guy who Recorded most of what we know about the Edda centuries after they had fallen out of mainstream Norse belief was christian. He Snorri’s work is really important but

I like the Dc Red Tapirs myself

Drow as a Race have been following a demon/goddess for thousands of years. the Bulk of the race follows her. The whole Spider theme goes hand in hand with this.

The Mythology your thinking of doesnt Define them super well and the dookalfar and svartalfar were likely a type of dwarf.

Wierd, i remember enjoying the game, getting pretty far into it but not stopping. Maybe i shall re-examine it.

Join one of the factions that specifically goes out of the way to help new playes learn the game. Eve university was one when i was playing. The way the game is designed groups need lots of different roles and some of the roles are easy to stick new players into in cheap ships.

The marketing issue seems to be a self fulfilling prophecy that then determines the marketing. I read a thing a while ago tha tmay be out dated now but it said Games with only male options made more money than games with Mixed male/female which made more than those with just female characters. Apparently as a result

In some ways its probably closer to Archie in that many of its tropes are locked into Ideas that existed at the time its created and it hasn’t changed. A few Years ago i took a Japanese culture class and this was contrasted with two other shows, Crayon Shin-chan and another one whos name i cant remember as contrasts

So you can ignore the shop wholly or easily earn points fof it while just playing the game. I have around 4500  pts and never spent any money. That said nothing in the shop interests me either. 

No, somone probably bought all of the plex with in game currency it is bought and sold in game all the time like any other comodty. the big corps and alliances can be sitting on a lot of in game currency  buying enough plex for those cores is jsut a failed investment.


When my mom was younger she would go camping in her minivan. She had a cot inside and in the morning would half alsep let the dog out on the leash and shut the door with the leash catching in the door to prevent the dog from going very far. I cant remember where they were but when she wakes up in the morning she can

Sounds like he did have one ready, but didnt think to use it.

The stuff I was reading about was post-armour. Two guys in poofy shirts with rapier or the regional equivalent. Armour doesnt factor into it.