
Ive read reports in the Canadian media at least that a lot of diplomats have plans for how much info is given to him at once and form the information is provided in. But you can tell by the number major politicians ready for things like the handshakes that they are doing a lot of prep work.

Im not sure that works for American Diplomats :P

My first play through was as an engineer style on normal, the maxed Qbeam was awesome. I struggled with the game a fair bit till i got the qbeam working. Now im focusing on Security and stealth on hard the whole game is going muuuuch smoother.

Ahh I assumed that but given how a lot of stuff in the game is there waiting to be found ahead of time I wanted to double check I hadnt some how missed him somehow when first going through there.

Your touching on something here. Bioshock gets compared to prey al lot but honestly? The whole time It felt to me like it was trying to follow in half-life’s foosteps. Although I couldnt tell if it was just the wrench that made me feel that way. I expected the bit with the military Operator’s to happen ahead of time I

wait is he there right at the beginning of the game?

Interestingly the signs its a simulation are actually there the whole time. I didn’t pick up the first game but when I replayed it with a December play through on hard.

My experience with it was poor, the fact that other people liked it is irrelivant. Its one of only two games I ever regretted buying. Normally when I dont like a game I can see why others like it and often can re-approach it from a different direction at a later date. For Example when I played Prey I /knew/ I was

What you say seems to support some of the stuff I had read in the past. It really means while the specific incidents like this are criminal the solution to prevent them from happening in the future is socioeconomic and proper integration. Additionally recognizing the signs beforehand. Sadly Im guessing none of this

Statistslly a lot of these attackers are second generation from immigrant patents. There is probably a socioeconomic reason for this but I’ve never read a definitive reason.

A lot of that was game design issues that have now been fixed. Basically the scaling. Worked weird vs lvl 34 enemies resulting in the bullet sponge issue.

Some of its pre determined goals like the DMZ as an experience were doomed to fail from the beginning. That plus the fundinwntal gamecolay seeming to change from the levelling experience was what frustrated me. They fixed a lot of these issues but the people I played co-op with wouldn’t come back. I did notice some

To be honest I don’t regret the original game as a co-op okay leveling 1-30 it was an okay game. I do a little regret getting the season pass. Though no where’s near as much as I did buying bloodborne.

So I hadnt heard of this anime before and watched 5 episodes, from your description I expected it to be horrible but really It had all the elements I expected from an Anime sitcom. Which is to say it had a theme and followed that theme but honestly while there was fanservice it really wasnt that bad tho only character

I may be wrong but pretty sure that is a costume for the fan dance rather than really bad shrubbery camouflage.

I read a similar article on the guardian, apparently the shell reversal puts their organs in all the wrong places.

Years ago we were living in a townhouse with a tiny backyard (like 10x15 maybe) I was letting the dog out when a Raccoon which was just walking accross the fence got startled and fell into the tiny yard just as I was releasing the dog. It let out the most blood chortling scream of rage. Thankfully I was fast enough to

I think two things. 1) Adding new assets to an existing game is likely cheaper and 2) MMO do not seem to transfer their player base to a new version of the game in the same numbers. Given that WOW’s subscription numbers are phenomenally higher than all of its competitors they have nor eason to risk that.

I took an essay writing course a few years ago and they out a lot of stress on how to write and not copy someones work. Asmitedly his thesis is far longer than anything I wrote but if I’m pretty sure making mistakes on that level is an automatic fail. That said Canada’s standards may be higher.

Uhh they sold the rights to valve