I’ve unfortunately never played fallout 1 or 2, it’s weird as I was an adult when they came out and lime the genre but somehow missed them. I wS aware of both after the fact but fallout 3 was my first experience with playing the series.
I’ve unfortunately never played fallout 1 or 2, it’s weird as I was an adult when they came out and lime the genre but somehow missed them. I wS aware of both after the fact but fallout 3 was my first experience with playing the series.
I’m not sure I really ran into any issues at all playing vegas, the only thing I remember is the game not liking g a,t tab, but it’s hardly game breaking.
Oh, so the whole point of stoves in a sushi kitchen is to regulate the woman’s tempersture? Given alot of it is served raw it makes sense.
The odd part is, if he really believes that garbage why does the rest of Japanese society expect women to cook everything else? Have sushi chefs figured out something in biology no one else in the world has identified? He should write a scientific paper.
We got this flying racoon thing marketed by the dog whisperer. It lasted a long time. The same dog would go through “dog proof” Frisbee in a few days.
From what I understand taking Okinawa was aweful. There was japanese soldiers firing from civilian structures that resulted in high civilian asualties. This was made worse by a large portion of the population belive Ving the propaganda so throughly they effectively committed suicide trying to get away from the us…
The problem is the purpose of the court is to determine if he did it, or if he admits to doing it is he guilty of a lesser version of the crimes he is charged with. His lawyers job is to either get him off or get the sentence reduced as much as possible.
The lady that does my mom’s house cleaning has a hyphenated polish last name. It’s literally 20 characters long with a hyphen in the middle.
My mother who is 76 noticed several of her bridge friends expressing anti immigration sentiment. The thing is they themselves are all either first generation Canadians or immigrants. Thankfully none have them have expressed support for trump or I’d recommend a different bridge group.
I guess I’m weird in thinking bloodbourne is a game that appeals to a small % of gamers. I basically didn’t find it fun at all, I’m willing to concede why others might like it. But I can’t see why people rave about it.
I’m canadian, however my mom says she’s been seeing a lot of obtuse racism among her friends lately. She’s 76 and first generation canadian, all her friends are 1st Gen Canadians or I immigrants (from 50 or so years ago). Yet they complain about immigrants. What it really is is the Syrians are not white Christian…
WW I I aside France has a long history of being a winner.
A lot really from what I understand both genghis khan and timurd may have both killed more people than Hitler. Though both were likely less than the black death. Admittedly timurd did his slaughter outside of Europe and probably doesn’t count for the animation.
Seeing some of the other comments I feel old, my first video game theft was probably nethack. The thrill of gathering up all of a shopkeepers stuff reading the telwport scroll thinking ha ha I’m gone sucker, only to have it telwport you right outside the shop and then a keystone cop hits you in the face with a pie.
Here’s the difference for me, bloodbourne is set to a specific playstyle with a much more limited audience. I loved the games graphics and theme, but after 20 hrs of play repeating the same content I gave up. It simply caters to a playstyle I didn’t enjoy and I suspect alot of players wouldnt. This isn’t to say I…
I think eunuch tend to develop specific skeletal traits depending on when it happened. A boy who is castrated like was done for singers tends to develop a big chest cavity and other traits. Presumably and adult who undergoes the procedure after puberty looks like any other male skeleton.
No many of the problems he’s complained about seem to really be a controller issue or complaining for the sake if complaimimg. Pip boy is easy to navigate with mouse and keyboard.
Can anyone explain what a humanist devil worshiper is?
Just to be clear the first half made more sense after seeing the second half. I just found it initially seemed directionless as they tried to show her mental state. I’ve also only seen the first episode.
I didn’t think it was that we’ll written. The first half of the show was confusing and unclear. I had stopped collecting comics before she was introduced, if your going in clean with no knowledge of the character the first half is slow and confusing. Once it got into the actual investigation to find the girl it was…