
In my case... Twenty different people teaching twenty different ways and they all told me that their methods were the “right one”.

I don’t appreciate being called out like this!

Lawrence knows the things he does are trash af. If you’ve been invited somewhere by your ex’s friends, how about you just don’t go....and if you must go....damn sure don’t bring a date.

Lordy. Lordy. Lordy. Somebody gets it. But you might disagree with me on this one. Lawrence only likes Lawrence. His needs come first. His seemingly naivete is a mask.

Well said on the attitude. There’s always been something slick and grimy about Daniel, and he finally said “fuck it” to let it loose. He was right to be upset about Issa unloading on him, but he should have simply walked away.

I really don’t like how quickly Issa and Molly fall into arguing and being mean to each other.