Also: Dr. Oz. And that lady with “The Promise” is that what it was called? Basically the power of positive thinking in a new bottle.
Also: Dr. Oz. And that lady with “The Promise” is that what it was called? Basically the power of positive thinking in a new bottle.
He also has a ton of baggage.
The misogyny aimed at Jennifer Lawrence on this (purportedly) lady-friendly (I think we gave up on feminist a while ago didn’t we) site is pretty off the charts. And right after Time’s Up too. #YouToo
Her whole schtick? She’s an actor - that’s her schtick. By your thinking (well she’s a klutz (supposedly) IRL so she can’t portray a ballerina cause who’s gonna believe that?) we’d never have a black Hamlet. I mean, you know, Hamlet is Danish. No lesbian or gay actor can portray a hetro because, well, everyone knows…
There’s a really good book called The Last Goodnight about this woman, Betty Pack. who was a spy during WWII and it’s really good! She was seriously like a James Bond type and without her who knows if we would have won the war, or it may have taken longer. Book’s a pageturner. It made me feel a little like I did after…
Because jealous
Pretty sure she has MS and is in a wheelchair. I wish the press would stop taking her bait. At some point it’s going to get grisly.
Can someone explain Glenn Greenwald to me?
Don’t read this too close to bedtime
Sounds so much like what went on for generations on the Cook Islands.
Agree. Let’s start by acknowledging that Franken is a set-up.
He’s being set-up.
Except Rev. Dr. William Barber.
C’mon...did you really not think Al wouldn’t be jerk? It’s nothing I like dwelling on mind you - but he is an alum of one of the most sexist anti-women shows on the air. Read the oral history of SNL - they treated the woman like shit as a religion.
She had her tits done.
Those tits are fake
You may have seen this already but just in case...
Good I loved it. This show is a million times better than Man in the HighTower and had to be less money to produce.
I’ve always thought he was gross. And damn ugly too.
Women’s down there scares them