Helen Savage

Just left a reply I can’t find but Vimeo is showing “An Open Secret” the doc that came out in 2015? I think. They have reposted it for free because of the Weinstein charges. Feldman is in it. Why didn’t he name names then? Why does he need his own $10M doc to do it?

Agree. If women like Asia Argento, Annabelle Sciorra, and Darryl Hannah can come forward with their humiliating frightening personal stories then Feldman can do the same thing. He’s been going on about this doc for years but there already is a doc called An Open Secret that he participated in. Does he need his own doc

I’m sorry I’m calling bs on the people trying to kill him. Please. If someone wanted to kill him he’d be dead.

Corey Haim’s mother refutes a lot of what Feldman says and has sent him a cease and desist letter to stop talking about her son. She condemns him for constantly saying he knows who these people are but will never name them. She claims he is looking for money. And frankly after this interview I’m thinking she might be

I sort of skimmed thru Focus, Michael Gross’ book on fashion photographers, and this guy’s father makes his son look like Mr. Rogers.


WTF is she apologizing for?

Mary Elizabeth Winsted is hardly an ingenue!

No, it’s probably for the best. Vivien had very little to do with the raising of the daughter - she was just too ill.

Now playing

She was very very ill. Manic depressive and god knows what else. Had a very serious breakdown on Elephant Walk with Peter Finch. Eliz Taylor wound up with the part.

I’m sure the auction has something to do with the recent death of her daughter. Wonder if that’s true of the series too. Although I guess her grandsons could always start something.

Hey who cares about reality - right?

Third rate James Franco

I think it’s about the pockets

Yeah, I’m not sure what they are supposed to do. He knew Weinstein was a screaming abusive prick to work for - hell, even I knew that and I only have one friend who produced a couple of indy movies. The whole culture at Miramax/Weinstein was toxic - that wasn’t a secret. He heard stories about his behavior with women

Thank you.

That is beautiful. Jeez, Oliver and Sam Bee are enough to make me reconsider cutting the cable cord.

And she clearly does not know her Margaret Atwood.

And she has 3 kids and wants more? Three is plenty. Really.

The idea of this sweaty repulsive pig climbing on top of the oh-so-beautiful Georgiana Chapman is enough to make me lose my appetite. At first I thought ‘she must need money’ but they have 2 kids so he def put it in her. He is disgusting.