because they know how many commenters have an irrational hatred of her and it will get more hateclicks.
because they know how many commenters have an irrational hatred of her and it will get more hateclicks.
ABC’s tweet got caught out for this...then Jez did the same thing. Ouch. Recognizable white women = clicks I guess?
I wouldn’t ask Bethesda a damn thing.
Maybe they can CD Projekt for some advice, or Bethesda?
It’s disgusting and bizarre that both the Right and the Left actually seem to believe that.
Oh, but haven’t you heard? If you hassle a Muslim, he turns into a terrorist. On this left and right agree: Muslims have a natural tendency to blow people up when they’re upset.
No, we would blame him for making the choice to adopt that ideology.
agreed, it is also pretty odd that we are going to investigate whether this kid’s civil rights were being violated when he moved to a place that doesn’ believe in civil rights for women and gays.
Would I bang this child? No, because banging children is abhorrent. You should be ashamed for asking.
This post kinda makes me want to take a Silkwood shower. Just... no. This is gross.
I have a theory. I think you and somebody else over there at Jezebel or the Muse or wherever went out drinking last night, and you said “I bet I can gross out every single commenter on a post” and that person said “I call bullshit, put your money where your mouth is” and you said “ok, `100 bucks says I can do it” and…
So Joanna is paedophile. Genuinely didn’t see that coming
Can we not unneccessarily sexualize an underage boy please? I find this headline/subhead completely tasteless.
Support? Hell, she’s just straight out doing it.
Would U this tween warg?
Wow. This is kinda creepy. He’s still a kid, you know?
Ahh yes, Jez’s famous support of sexualizing minors.