Helen of Troy Aikman

He just did this because he is a petty person. He does not give a shit about Hulk Hogan or anyone but himself

At this point the media is too scared of Thiel to tell the truth about him - which is that he's a huge asshole

Did conservatives complain about Mother Jones having a frivolous lawsuit brought against it by a lying rich conservative asshole?

This isn't 1953, why do you think it's a sin to say a gay person is gay. If they printed that he was banging female strippers you wouldn't care about his precious privacy.

So you mean they printed gossip? Happens to straight people all the time, but I guess gays should be gossip-proof

Huh? They weren't the ones who joked about the toddler sex tapes. A Gawker writer did. And the same right-wingers who complain about Jezebel are the ones who say liberals can't take a joke, but you are whining about a JOKE the guy told that wasn't supposed to be taken seriously

"He could sue Gawker for publication of private true facts, and get whatever damages a jury thinks are appropriate for being forcibly outed."

The holier-than-thou dirtbag is Peter Thiel

"Also, something tells me that the majority of the people who have an issue with it, wouldn't give a shit if it was a billionaire doing this to a Conservative outlet."

Um, Gawker didn't hack anyone. And I'm sure liar Hulk knew he was being firmed

Anyone who thinks Peter Thiel is sympathetic knows nothing about him

The right-wingers who whine about "triggers" are the ones who are too sensitive to handle being around gay people and think interacting with them is an affront to their "religious liberty"

Or maybe right-wingers like you will attack the film because the characters aren't "abstinent"

If you hate feminism so much, maybe you could go whine about feminazis at breitbart.com.

Shouldn't you be complaining about "SJW warriors" at the Ann Coulter forums or something?

You should include The Whole Town's Sleeping - based on a Ray Bradbury story and starring the great Agnes Moorehead

"The thought police are winning, and it's starting to piss me off."

He's the new Manster

'Cause it should be called Chumps vs. Losers?

The headsets make them look like Janet Jackson doing a dance routine circa 1993