
You don't have to pay anybody for a brief quotation like that anyway.

They have, several times, but you have to read through hundreds of posts to find it

I think the point though is not whether people like this exist, because they clearly do, but whether the writers have convinced us that they exist, or that this is one of them. A lot of people seem unconvinced, though I'm not really one of them—I think he's just been lulled into a false sense of security because

Though in the Gilligan universe, it usually isn't

I know champagne used to be referred to as pop then, in a slang sense, but can't remember if that was the context here.

I seriously can't keep any of these suitors straight. It's not like it would have been impossible to differentiate them a bit more—I mean, one could have had flaming red hair or snazzy glasses or something.

God I love that stuff.

I had been thinking this might be his happy ending until he made the comment about Downton being the only place he had roots. So now not so sure.

People in the 1920s (Brits and otherwise) thought compulsively about people having sex, just as they do now. That's why there were people in the 1930s and 40s. (See any number of novels, poems, etc. etc.)

As others have said, it was because they were in Rosamund's all-purpose servants' quarters. Non-aristocratic married couples shared beds then just as they do now, but they couldn't be seen to do so in the early days of TV because it implied that they might be doing *cough* other things in the bed. Hence Rob and

Me too! I'm sure she did . .

There is mystery attached to Mrs Patmore's B&B and the lurker in the bushes. Given her discussion with Mrs. Hughes about how busy it's going to become etc., it's not impossible that Thomas could end up there, either by being hired to run it, or, possibly, Thwarting the Lurker

Have we seen his rapport with children before this episode? I don't remember, and although it definitely brought out another side of him and fleshed out the character, I had a bit of a sense that it was being grafted on to make him suddenly more sympathetic. That could be my terrible memory, though.

Carson would have driven me to drink before now if I were her.