Randy Howard was an early ‘80s country star who toured with the likes of Willie Nelson and released novelty numbers…
Randy Howard was an early ‘80s country star who toured with the likes of Willie Nelson and released novelty numbers…
Holy fuck, I didn’t know you were going to write something for Jezebel! I’m a fan and thank you for doing this :)
i, too, have lupus and an insatiable love for beyonce. glad you’re feeling better. xoxo
I agree.
Sure, but to the best of my knowledge, medical schools aren’t killing people for their cadavers.
This feels like a hungover tweet made under duress.
I would have cried tears of joy. My sister got me a butter dish for christmas to start my collection.
One person is dead in a car accident involving Bruce Jenner earlier this afternoon in Malibu, California, according…
The Church of Scientology played a major role in breaking up Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise's marriage, and even…
I had to go to the police station a couple times to file a report for a missing child and again for when I was mugged at knifepoint.
Can't decide which would be worse: chaos and screaming people storming the doors while I was inside still shaking from the mugging or walking into a police station past that Eviction…
During a student union address at Cambridge University, Ally McBeal guest star Robert Downey, Jr. talked about…
And this just proves what I've know all along - Max is true Catfish King.
This is a pretty stupid way to define 'real marriage'. Here, I'll help you out: a real marriage is when two people get married. If they get divorced later, or had second thoughts before, that doesn't magically make it 'not real' in retrospect.