Here’s what’s really going to kill you, a’la that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Amy “ruins” Raiders of the Lost Ark ...
Here’s what’s really going to kill you, a’la that episode of The Big Bang Theory where Amy “ruins” Raiders of the Lost Ark ...
I just hope someone makes better use of “420BrosephStalin420" than I did.
Fable: Legends might be dead, but that’s no reason to let a bunch of art from the game’s production go to waste.
A better Water Balloon version.
Yeah, the Bluth Company really cuts corners.
Or the Sig P320 if they wanted a lighter, striker fired weapon...
Werewolf Bar-Mitzvah time!! Spooky, scary!! Thugs becoming Criminals, Criminals becoming Wolves!!
After the Paris Attacks, running onto the field in an NFL game is very stupid.
Bowled Durham
A Catcher in the Wrong
A League of They’re Owned
You know what I would do if I had 35 dollar, two drives at the same time; that’s what i’d do.
You know what I would do if I had 35 dollar, two drives at the same time; that’s what i’d do.
Bloody hell, I never knew that. Hot Fuzz really is the gift that keeps on giving.
I love the director commentaries for his movies.
Rory McCann - Also know as Sandor Clegane:
World’s End did the same thing with the name of the pubs. SPOILERS!
True fact: in New Zealand Israeli travelers have a reputation for needing rescue in the backcountry (and being pushy with staff). Why Israelis choose NZ in particular I don't know but a couple incidents involving said hikers stuck in comically improbable locations (to be fair, NZ has a lot of those) came up during my…
Good episode