
I firmly believe that's the definition of sex positive: "mind your own sexy business and let other people mind theirs." Figure out what your own personal sexy business likes/dislikes are, and live those. Let other people live theirs.

Completely agree about kids not having a say about what gets posted of them, especially the younger they are. We should be able to share photos of kids with those that love them without being afraid of child predators, but I do think we need to be more cautious as parents (all parents) to think about the fact that a

I have no problem with this little girl or her pride in herself in this picture. But I do have a problem with this mom posting this picture on the internet where any weirdo with a laptop can "enjoy" it. Maybe I am too sensitive since I volunteer with abused kids, but when you've met a tiny 5-year-old raped so hard she

I love it. He's like a real-life Ron Burgundy! Who I think he's said is his hero or something? Anyway, the dumb stuff he says is usually hilarious.

I'm trying to decide if I even want to watch the final season. True Blood was at it's best when it wasn't trying to out camp itself. Every scene with Godric and Eric for example. I liked Russel, even his over the top style, but his whole arc again would have been better toned down.

I am Millennial OG (class of 2000) and my husband is from the tail end of Gen X. He leaves incredibly long, complicated voice mails (JUST LIKE HIS MOM DOES) in spite of the fact that he knows that I 1) won't listen to them, and 2) haven't left a voice mail for anyone in years because I think it's inconsiderate. I do

But how will people know that I am in the know about the no-underwear? Do I have to run around screaming "I'm sans panties! I am so fashionable!"


Man alive, the thought of going commando in a dress is pretty much my worst nightmare. I'm all about the underwear, too, and even if this trend becomes a real thing...I'll happily sport my grandma panties until the day I die. They will become my freak flag.

I wonder if she will get charged with abandonment, as she overslept. I mean, wasn't everyone here clamoring for Kim Brooks to be put in jail forever for leaving the kid for 5m in the car? This woman overslept and left him there for hours. She should be facing the death penalty or something, right?

That's....a weird thing to say. My son is severely autistic and he does not have feces covered fingers. He will never live on his own, but he can wash his hands with supervision. I realize you weren't trying to be offensive, but your post left me with a really icky feeling.

...And then Stephen King kills you horribly.