Heir 2.0

Personally I’d look forward to my friend’s weddings more if they made the theme “Faustian Bargain”.

I think your friends are just pretentious, hardly anyone outside of montreal hipsters says “courgette”.

Hahaha, nah. That’s just a way to check if you have dark chocolate or not. There are amazing milk chocolates out there and there are definitely a fair share of shitty (and expensive!) dark chocolates out there. Honestly in my opinion anything darker than 70% is like eating cocoa-dusted charcoal briquettes.

Oh god “mall chicken”...ahahahaha.

There’s also plenty of women with pelvic floor issues/short vaginal canals for whom sex with large penises is painful or uncomfortable. Not every woman is a size queen, and I’d say for most ladies(at least my friends an I) don’t honestly care. What matters more is STI status and ability to listen to a partner’s desires

While I think hormone blockers are okay to use if they will help prevent suffering/disphoria...they are definitely not 100% safe, and the effects are not reversible. We have no long term studies of them being used on children, but the studies we have on fully mature adults do indeed show plenty of undesirable and

Also our “access to mental healthcare” in a best case scenario is just putting people on drugs we don’t entirely understand. Most people don’t also have coverage for counselling, community programs, dietary help etc, which are as much if not more important to healthy healing. I think it’s more likely that we’re doping

Godspeed to you,friend!

They’re doing the classic MRA tactic of “never play defense” they’ll just move from point to point without making sense of their previous comment, because they can’t back anything up with either facts or even basic social knowledge.

I think it’s wrong to insult someone’s physicality because it’s something they have little to no control over.

Literally when in the video are yall hearing this. Because this sounds a lot like something a rightwing troll would plant then everyone would latch on to to discredit the girl.

I’ve watched the video above and one on another news site and cannot make anything she said out as that. Give me timestamps or this has gotta be some next-level trolling to discredit this girl and justify her attack.

I can’t brielieve how bad these puns are.

Grimes has been paid to attend huge fashion events and model for brands before, so she’s been very much in the luxury life for a while. I think it’s actually a testament to how well she’s been marketed that her “authentic” persona has been unquestioned until now.

I’m too gay to have this kind of knowledge,man.

It’s not needed for many people but you should definitely double shampoo if you use styling products. The first shampoo won’t take out all the silicones and buildup. Double shampooing before conditioning can make hair very shiny because it strips old products out, then the conditioner can actually work as intended(on

Shaving your head is an amazing way to find out that you’ve got a massive, egg-shaped skull. Ask me how I know.

It had a lot to do with “Feeling empowered in your body” and experimenting and not being “Vanilla”, which I’m actually fine with in theory(if you’re actually making your choice without pressure then cool I guess). But this also came with the fact that a month or so prior she was asking for advice because her boyfriend

I think Elle Fanning is talented, but yeah... that accent. If she can pull off the role at all I’d be amazed. It’s a big miscast,imo.

Being a “proud feminist” is only truly lauded if you’re the correct type of feminist,though. One who is “sex-positive” and still coddles men’s feelings(I literally once had a younger friend try to convince me that having anal made her a better feminist ffs). A feminist who pays lip service to the cause and uses words