Heir 2.0

They aren’t technically corsets as they aren’t build properly for actual waist training. These kinds of things are just extreme spanx.

This isn’t just a random photo of a fit woman. This is an ad where the woman’s body is photoshopped to show her breasts and thin waist. The text is aggressive towards the viewer, proposing a question intended to make the reader feel inferior.

The problem is a lot of rehab/counselling projects currently happening or completed have had,well, not great results.

I wanna share a little piece of artwork I’ve done of Shirley Manson, it seems fitting. I had made a version of this for their art competition and while it got a good response it didn’t win, so enjoy yall! (Also, I think Garbage is really set for a big return to form. This is exciting as hell!)

I also wonder how this woman would feel to find out she herself is mentally ill. Lack of empathy, inflated sense of self esteem, and seeking validation for poor actions are pretty tell-tale signs of NPD.

I mean, he’s not literally hitler(They still can’t prove he’s not a sentient pile of rotten ham with some hay for hair,though).

You do realize most kids don’t sign themselves up for catholic school,right?

Not to mention they could have adopted an older child. That way they don’t have to go through the 24/7 physical stress of caring for a young child.

It’s already happening. I’m not even kidding.

Absolutely. I totally agree that’s a big part of it, thank you for such a great response.

Unfortunately people like very simple,unchallenging art. They don’t care about the history of it all.

This is basically what MRAs/generall assholes on reddit do after they send death threats.

They might excuse behavior in some situations, but I’d take that price over having to get groped on transit.

Oh,choice feminism. Celebrity images are made to suit the patriarchy, these kinds of style choices aren’t made in a vacuum. Ariana has very little to do with these decisions.

Yeah, someone I know was at that, he said he felt like he was gonna vomit when he had to listen to a lot of the speakers. It’s the epitome of cringe. But that’s what happens when someone has never been challenged on their previous bullshit, they just continue creating vocal diarrhoea and act like it’s everyone elses

No, I was making a point about IBS since you co-opted it to make your first point. You were making a claim about something you’ve never experienced.

As someone with IBD(ibs’s far more awful cousin), that’s untrue. Also, it’s a general truth that social isolation often makes depression worse. I’m in a group that helps with living/coping with chronic illness, and literally everyone I’ve met has said that it was the isolating aspects of the illness-not the illness

Thank you for writing this. I’m only in my early 20s but the pressure to “Get it over with” when it comes to sex is such an awful thing to deal with. I always felt like there was something “Wrong” with me,too. I’m starting to realize that it’s okay, it doesn’t make me weird or some sort of failure. Even if that means

Not to mention, Bill Murray can just go cry into a pile of money if he’s upset, but the people who lost their phones might end up struggling to afford the loss.

What kinda escheresque picture of horror is THAT?