Heir 2.0

Yeah, double exposure and glitch art cliches are not revolutionary. This is very “internet age” artwork, and that is really cool in and of itself, but Rihanna isn’t changing the landscape with this....the landscape was changed a long ass time ago.

Those black pants are gorgeous, the green jacket is pretty great too.

Has he ever heard of tilting his head a bit more?

Keyboard cat is the one true overlord imo

How to find him:


Oh my god, she was so young. That would’ve been a nightmare to handle at 18.

Wait a second, my blood rituals and lunar worship were for NOTHING?!

Have you ever tried to engage in discussion/try to help these MRA types? They do not want help, so even if we build social programs, none of them will ever seek help. They WANT to be violent.

You’re just moving goalposts now.

That is not what I’m saying. Every woman is welcome to participate, but she is basically reclaiming the event for her own rep(I mean seriously her sign is about a tweet, cmon), and erasing the thousands of women who’ve been doing this for years.

Oh great, a celebrity smacks her brand onto another movement and derails the very point of a feminist movement by having an uber fancy vip lounge.

Probably because it can be considered as putting up classist barriers/creating a privileged group of guests.

They work pretty damn well! Much better than most brushes.

I once got builder’s foam in my hair a long time ago, only a tiny bit, but it was enough that even after 2 hours of pulling oil through it, I still had to end up shaving a chunk from my hairline.

The smell of stila glosses are a little bit unpleasant though. Probably due to the high amount of castor oil.

The woman upside-down....is she dead? She looks like she’s dead. Dead from crotch suffocation.

They also lump every kind of sex offender into one group. I mean, there’s one hell of a difference between someone who got on the sex offender registry for public nudity, and a pedophile or violent rapist.

Similar thing happened to a piece of art I did for a local shop, luckily it was just an ebay seller and the legal dispute got settled quickly. I fucking hate the sheer laziness of so many companies.

I think it also depends on where you keep it. If it’s out in the open on your tv stand, it’s gonna be gross in there. Pet hair/dust from windows/etc is just gonna get pulled right in. I’ve done repairs on friend’s consoles, and the worst are the one’s from pet owners.