Heir 2.0

She’s not trans, this isn’t a case even slightly related to trans issues.

I had a massive hissy fit over the tide question. Tides need both the earth’s rotation and the moon’s pull to be the way they are.

“let someone rape you”

Any woman with any sort of shaved work, like pixies, undercuts, etc.

Oh my god I can’t read all these comments without being hungry.

You must feel so special to never have worked a job that involved dish washing.

Step one: Be a good artist. Step two: Profit.

Research,man. There’s some really great professionals out there. I personally went to a tattoo expo and checked out the people who were winning awards, and found the perfect artist for my first large piece(it was about 8 hours of work and had pointillism/geometry to complicate things) .

The “Sex work as empowerment” line of thinking is very much born of white feminism. It ignores and sweeps women of color and poor economic status under the rug for favor of making a few well off white women feel special.

I assume the follow up video will be a glitter enema.

IT DOESN’T EVEN HAVE ANTI ALIASING! It looks like something made in a free iphone app.

I use an address from 2002, because it’s Firstname_lastname and I can’t be arsed to change to another service.

My eyes are burning just reading this comment.

I was homeschooled and there’s really 2 large types of homeschoolers.

They’ve lied about being vegan before, they were repackaging eyeshadows at 20 times the price at one point, they’ve had all their clients credit card info hacked, the owner is known to harass customers and has dressed as hitler....

With that hair, she’d make one hell of a lilith!

From a structural point, yes! Actually a lot of gems are the same families, but how their colour develops is what dictates the line between one stone to another. For example, if an emerald is not quite green enough, it’ll get lumped in with aquamarine. Gem categorization is weird,man.

Rubies are immensely beautiful, and actually worth a hell of a lot more than diamonds. Also, red is a huge signifier of life and passion, which is way more romantic than some clear boring stone.

Prada has been missing the mark for years now, with only one or two seasons that are okay. They don’t seem to understand silhouette, they just throw shit onto basic stuff and call it a day.

It looks like a botched fondant job. I wouldn’t be surprised if one of those dresses would melt out in the sun. ugh.