Heir 2.0

Yeah I’m not buying it. The limbs look waaayy to lanky to be an average size 2

Honestly it’s kind of appalling.

Splatoon is so fast paced and satisfying. I think it’s my most played game this year already.


Their methods include poisoning the cats though, and that’s both cruel and super devastating to the environment. If you lay out poisoned anything, it’s going to kill a lot of the wildlife, and animals will eat the poisoned carcasses and die as well. It’s bloody horrible for the ecosystem.

I learned my fucking lesson with juice cleanses. I couldn’t imagine the atomic ass explosion that this putrid concoction would cause.

Raising the antichrist must be hard for them.

Yeah I’ve been on a flight before where this dude watched that show “mayday” WHILE WE WERE GOING THROUGH TURBULENCE. PEOPLE WERE YELPING BECAUSE THE JOLTS WERE SO BAD.

They are great for removing animal(or human if you’re feeling fancy) eyeballs, I hear. I mean, if that doesn’t make them a household staple I don’t know what does.

Those are probably bar tending spoons.

But you can make eggs for breakfast sandwiches with those!


You’re talking about a kid here. Seriously, what the fuck.

Yeah, there is not a single situation in which a 15 year old holds equal in a power dynamic with a 35 year old.


Gonna throw in some alternative suggestions because honestly chvrches is as formulaic as synthpop gets. I really don’t get the obsession many sites have with them and I hope the muse doesn’t consider this to be edgy or indie music(although Lauren is a fantastic vocalist and a great person).

There’s a big difference than taking the piss out of a dumb letter someone sent anonymously, and aiding someone in blackmail.

Well, maybe we can get lucky eventually!

I’m actually in canada, and doctors here have no real reason to try and really assist you, you mean nothing to them monetarily either way. So they just don’t care if you want something, you just get what you get.

I miss xanax and valium, but it’s borderline impossible to get prescribed them here.