Heir 2.0

I’m kind of sad I slogged through the later books, because I figured that the show might cut out the pointless and exploitative jeyne poole plot line. But when they shoved it on Sansa, I just gave up, it became so clear that the writers see sexual violence as a plot device and nothing else.

I’ve never felt like straight women were stopping me from coming out as bi, it was the lesbian after lesbian I met that would turn me down or treat me like a child because I was bi. There’s still tons of hurdles for bi people to jump over, and you creating another way to silence our opinions is not helping.

I’m a size 4 and I can’t even fucking do this. This isn’t an “are you thin” test, it’s a “are your arms long enough” test.

I’m a total bitchbaby about confrontation. But, in one case I actually did just that, although it was even more extreme than what you’re suggesting.

Last time I was in a moxies in AB, I saw a young hostess getting screamed at by her male manager, over the fact that she sat someone in the wrong section. It’s disgusting. I’ve also seen female staff getting harassed a lot at earls, asses slapped ,lude comments from male staff and customers, with nothing done about

Goddamn fruitfuckers man, they scare me. I once knew a chick who ate 6lbs of oranges a day....my stomach hurts just thinking about all the sugar in that...and no proper fiber.

OH MY GOD, THAT IS HILARIOUS. My TMI horse riding story: I once pissed myself during a dressage routine, because I was so damn nervous I didn’t even notice I had to go before I got in the ring.

Jesus christ, so many assholes in the comments.

If you had a bowl of candy, and a few of those candies were poisoned, you’d probably be hesitant to eat that bowl of candy.

I’m super allergic but hot damn I’ll pop as much claritin as I have to in order to snuggle those sweet sweet furbabies.

The funny thing is, there’s “feminists” that are now telling women like them to shut up. Because they’re rich.

There’s a lot of commenters saying that they’re acting spoiled for wanting justice. As if they should just let it go, and that civil rights should only apply to certain people...god.

She seems like a lovely person, but she really has her eyes on the money and nothing else when it comes down to the line.

Lush’s deodorants cause huge breakouts, and are unsuitable to anyone with sensitive skin.

Lush’s deodorants cause huge breakouts, and are unsuitable to anyone with sensitive skin.

Neck barcodes are often associated with sex trafficking as well.

As someone who’s had that happened to me as well, I didn’t understand it at the time. But after getting a few more tattoos in “painful” areas, I totally understand an artist saying no. A lot of people squirm when they get tattooed near bone, making it hard for the artist to work on you. When I got a leg tattoo, I had

Borderline impossible to hide(I have a small symbol on my hand and I pile concealer on it for many events), and anything larger than a quarter will fade really fast. The only place on the hand most artists will do is between forefinger and thumb, and wrist.

It’s an animal sanctuary for retired performing animals, and it’s heavily regulated.

Yeah, I can’t even believe the people who’d think a wild bear would be just chilling out in the open and not getting upset about the car.

I’ve had someone spit out an old fashioned calling it a “girly drink”. I was confused.