Heir 2.0

Or we could realize that shoes, like every other form of clothing, should be a free choice for everyone to make.

All this article tells me is that the writer has never been on acid, nor been with anyone who was on acid.

The follow up article will be titled "The importance of being quinoa"

It is so poor. As an artist myself, the fact that the tattoo artist obviously has no idea what the basic structure of a hand is offends me to my core.

I can't believe the commenters getting angry at them..like, shit...feminism in general has been falling into the perspective of needing "perfect" examples and representations of body positivity. But that in itself is a narrow and body negative approach. yeesh.

New editor in chief came along, then the staff changes after...it might have something to do with it.

And the message was "are there any lady goats 'round here!?"

Use google then, I'm sure there's a shit ton of reddit threads on the matter.

It's not a no brainer for everyone.

Oh god it's like a flesh straw MAKE IT GO AWAY AHHHHH

For something that shitty he at least deserves to be punished with a few lich encounters....or twenty. HE MUST LOSE LEVELS FOR SUCH SINS.

I think iphones really peaked at the 4s and 5, when they announced the 6 and said it'd be bigger but also thinner, I literally laughed at my screen. It's not a smart combo. The iphone formula was already pretty close to perfection, it needed small tweaks not an overhaul.

No other previous iphone had such a glaring structural issue. I do expect better, as we've had better now for years.The bar has already been set, and the iphone 6 dipped right under it. No one's expecting perfection, but you shouldn't need a huge reinforced case to protect the shape of your phone. Cases should be for

It's on the cover of a men's magazine, and she looks rather young. It's an ideal that can damage body image if that's ALL you see. Most kids are not going to see real,unairbushed bodies in this day and age. Young women's confidence in america is already in the shitter, we don't need to make it worse. If your kid is

Ugh, yep.

I don't think it's all about nudity. Most parents will take their kids to a sculpture museum and won't freak out about that. But seeing a scantily clad, ideal bodied woman on the cover of a men's magazine isn't a healthy portrayal of nudity for kids.

Lol at calling her pretentious.


When did I say I hated jezebel? They have plenty of good contributors, but the community can easily be toxic in many situations....you can enjoy something while being critical about how you consume it, and how it effects you.

Jezebel just loves to hate certain women. I understand the dislike of her dimwitted, valley girl persona...but jesus this site just loves to find reasons to full one hate.