
Am I the only one who would rather see Thor with Sif? Because she’s the best.

Looks like a Dell logo...huh.

What about Space Pirates and Zombies 2? I guess it’s just Early Access, is that why?

Man I’d love to see this come out as a video game...mostly because my table top days are pretty much behind me at this point unfortunately.

Heck yeah. When Jackman flies down from the stairs to kill a couple soldiers in front of the other xmen, then just stands up and is like “let’s go” all chill like...man that was great. He went from crazy maniac to calm leader in a heartbeat.

I really wonder where they’re going to go with this show...what’s the end game?

I’ve been aware of this principle for about a decade now...I believe the US Armed Forces utilize it in some manner when deciding when someone washes out? I can’t remember, it’s been a while.

What I wouldn’t give for a Deadpool / Wolverine crossover.

Ok I can’t for the life of me figure out where that wolverine picture is from. Was that a deleted scene from Days of Future Past?

Looks like he had to drop out due to a foot issue. That’s too bad, I was really hoping he’d do well.