Heinzharald - PEBKAC


@DJKGinHD: Who? Me? Me loves backups...

An excellent solution - an independent backup to an external media card.

That in itself, is so sympathetic - I'll order some just for the fun of discussion.

@LindaJeanne: Spot on. Play the game and bit-shift the data you provide. Make the databases worthless - as you see, the're there already.

So, companies still want to believe that we're entering true information about ourselves?

Now, a mouse is nice, "Apple founder" is great as well. Then again what is the big hype around the WOZ?

Dust - high in fat or low in fat? Dussszzzt. Dussszzzzt. High in fat or low in fat?

The universal toolbox:

I'd like to see the truck with the power generator and AC for this beast.

@SewerShark: Then let me share something important.


I'd prefer snake, croc or ray skin.

@Sebulba: I have never, ever experienced sweaty hands when watching a video... That, is truly sick.

Show us videos.

Close to pew-pew, but no bannanarama.

@C-Cookie: A guess: An Arduino microcontroller board takes the input from a carbonmonoxid sensor and actuates the wires via PVM output.

Yah - Flying toasters!