Counterpoint: dog is good and in fact, a very good boy yes he is.
Counterpoint: dog is good and in fact, a very good boy yes he is.
They’re good dogs brent
A foreign object, you say?
So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?
Zywiec porter is actually really good.
Hey, I know people keep calling this guy Elite, but he gets into all sorts of trouble when he gets out of the pocket.
no you have one very cool story and one uncool story.
I cannot believe I had to scroll this long for someone to call him out on his beer bullshit. Yes pretentious hipsters are annoying but craft beer gave us choice. Also, there is never a reason to drink budweiser. It is shit that causes shits. Other shitty beer? Absolutely.
BEER. That’s right! FIGHT ME, BRO.
You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!
Those fans can’t melt real teams!
The auction winner.
Definitely Ashley.
The number of conservatives who believe that the poor enjoy having to depend on welfare and Section 8 housing for survival never ceases to amaze me.
22 “Deadspin stars” for that post and I’m the idiot?
I think it may be time for you to take your bizarre brand of painfully unfunny meta-trolling, chalk it up as a good try, and move on.
Starting it off early this year.