Rory of the Hills

“In any event, Louisville has been a complete wrecking machine this season”

How did Hillary cheat?

Wow. Pretty remarkable.

I prefer Sam Wang’s model, mainly because it helps calm my mounting anxiety. This is also his hobby, not his job (he’s a neuroscience professor), so he has no interest in generating traffic for traffic’s sake.

This is the funniest thing I’ve seen all day. HA!

Nyger Morgan’s 2 week run at the end of 2013 (?) where he was basically fighting everyone and being completely out of control was something he will probably never see again.

I think the ignorance and resentment of a large portion of the american people are to blame for his success, more than anything else.

Obama can do a good speech, but Bill can do that and work the room like none other. He’s the best at that.

Your first mistake was going to a Kanye West concert.

He got plenty of sleep. Just ask Sean Hannity. Why don’t you do your job and call Sean Hannity? Sad.

I actually think his “Aleppo” moment was worse. Here he is clearly having a “brain freeze”...I’m not suggesting he is informed on foreign policy matters but he could definitely name a foreign leader.

My buddy pissed in Eric Trump’s shoes, orange juice, shampoo, and other assorted items in college. Eric was a douchebag. If Trump manages to win, at least I’ll have the satisfaction of knowing his son drank and showered in my friend’s piss.

Neo Nazism has always been relatively strong in eastern Europe, in parts of Russia and Poland. I never really understood this as Hitler regard the Slavs as an inferior race and fit for nothing but serfdom. Then I grew older and I realized they are all either misguided idiots, consumed by illogical rage, or both.

Yeah it’s hard to tell. It could be one or the other, or a combination of both.

Don’t worry about Mitch, I’m sure he’s out there on the stump promoting Donald Trump. ‘Murica!!

“do realize that it was Bill Clinton AND HRC that was banging the drum for the 1994 Bill Clinton Crime Bill that has led to the racist mass incarcerations in this country since that bill was passed?”

So you had your own, seperate room but he locked the whole apartment? Ridiculous

“They are having a national holiday in Skibereen, and we are stuck here in Rio.” lol

Just think, just several hundred years ago most of our ancestors were doing backbreaking work in the fields 12 hours a day 6 days a week, with no benefits or vacation or starbucks to look forward to.

I hear you, but what about if you lived in a big city without a MLB team? I live in DC, and I was happy to get the stadium (and the Nats with it). I know it was probably not a great deal but having a baseball stadium and hometown team is so much better than not.