Rory of the Hills

How does someone is who is hitting .265/.316/.559 with 25 homers on August 1st have a WAR of 0.7?

Armando Benitez used to gun it

“Uncle John” was going on no sleep for a few days and his judgement was apparently a little off at that point.

yes. I believe it is one of his daughters who runs their social media. There was an article on her and the church’s online interactions in the New Yorker a few years back.

Hilarious. Were you there or did you just find this video?

The Russia-England game was a disaster, but isn’t this headline an exaggeration of how widespread the violence is? Most Euro matches have gone off fine. For example, the closest thing to violence before the Ireland/Sweden game was when the Irish fans were chanting “You are sh*t, but your wives are fit!”.

Yes I work two blocks from the White House, right next to the World Bank HQ. There are various motorcades on a regular basis, and they are handled very efficiently and people generally know how to behave.

What does “political correctness” have to do with this? Goodness gracious what a letter

Yes, it’s mildly amusing that he references an event that the average person doesn’t recognize, yet also manages to botch the reference at the same time.

It’s not fascinating. It can be at first, but it gets infuriating if you ever try to engage them, because every single nonsense thought or theory or “fact” these truthers throw out there is easily debunked and has been over and over and over. But it doesn’t seem to matter.

“Just last week, the Senate voted to hold an impeachment trial for president Dilma Rousseff.”

That “hump” is anyone the Caps play in the 2nd round. Teams are interchangeable.

As a huge Nats fan, I hate Papelbon. Terrible trade from the beginning.

I don’t think your great grandpa had the luxury of playing high school ball. He was probably working 6.5 days a week at some awful job, and he wasn’t on government handouts

“Did you say stay in the car?”

They were outplayed more than the score indicated. Must be some serious homers if they portrayed otherwise.

20-13 seems like a decent season. Why fire the coach?

Tony Bennett

Where was that foul with 11.8 seconds left? The one time they attempted to play any defense they get called with a phantom foul.