Rory of the Hills

Oatmeal is the best, but do NOT use the microwave. Simply buy Old Fashioned Oats and let simmer on the stove for 4-5 minutes. Add fruit (bananas, strawberries, blueberries, raisins) and a touch of milk and it’s glorious. Microwaving lessons the taste.

Jim Webb is a good american and a decent man. It was disappointing that he said that...I doubt he really votes for Trump.

Is it now safe to say Harper, with his first healthy season other than his 19 year old rookie season, is a serious smasher worthy of the hype?

Harper would disagree.

Wow what an amazing looking bird.

“the Bushes bathed the Middle East in blood to preserve their wealth,”

“At the last second, he realizes the linesman is skating backwards into his path to the bench, and he turns his body to avoid him and puts his arms up to protect himself, which end up hitting the unsuspecting linesman who is skating backwards in the back.”

I think Lions and Browns fans are the only ones who have it worse than the Redskins. Although your owner and stadium experience can’t be as terrible as ours.

That throw was Elwayesque

That gave me a good laugh on an otherwise blah day. Thanks

I would have thought Germans were so super strict about dog poop? Is that not the case?

I have the same experience. I have never been asked about a membership, other than at the checkout counter. To be fair, I really only regularly go to one REI store so I don’t know about other stores.

Once Upon a Time in the West is a great one too. Some great scenes

“It can do that on it’s own time, every minute is costing billions of MY tax dollars!”

Cool, thanks. Lot of campaigns fought in that area, particularly in the early years of the war. If I recall correctly, Burgoyne’s Saratoga campaign went very close (if not through) that area. He also let loose some of his Native American allies to plunder homesteads throughout the state, where they tangled with local

“ I never saw him again, but I’m pretty sure there are some Revolutionary War battlegrounds and cemeteries in that general area, which is still quite rural as far as I know.”

“I noticed a couple cameras come out from doorways (attached to hands) and snap pictures.”

“Then, one night in the middle of 2011, I had the most vivid dream that I have ever had. In it, an older woman with a bizarrely menacing face and grey hair came out of the wall, and held me down in my bed. She screamed at me, “GET OUT!” while pressing down on my chest. I woke and swear on my life that something was

I think it should be mentioned that several of the agents who arrested Martese were the very same agents involved in this dangerous debacle! http://gawker.com/sorority-girl-…

I have seen the original Star Wars trilogy dozens of times, and I have no idea who the vast majority of these people are. I imagine I’m not the only one in this boat, so hopefully this movie has some background info.