
You know, I saw the NSF tag, and I still wasn't prepared for that photo.HOW DOES ONE TWEET THAT ACCIDENTALLY?!?! Somebody's getting all kinds of fired.

Okay, but can we talk about why this woman expects her customer complaints to be handled via twitter? Am I the only one who thinks that's asinine?

Let those among us without an image of a lady inserting a plane into her vagina copied to our clipboard throw the first stone.

Given that I imagine this isn't the first time (today, even) that Rebecca has dealt with someone using this exact tactic, that waffles009 is the one that started with the name slinging ("rubber necking" most certainly is a judgement) and that her core point that dictating what women are and aren't allowed to talk/care

I can see what you're saying here, and as a parent myself, I, too feel as though I've gotten a lot more sensitive about these things over the years. At the same time, I've also discovered, as a parent and through life experience, that these things are happening way more often than we think, particularly abuse and

oh I get you, and agree.

Off topic but can I just say how attractive Kocoum was??? I keep hoping Pocahontas will choose him but nope, every time it's John Smith.

Just... why do we even have to fucking do this?

Yeah, this isn't what "basic" means at all.

Can't. stop. staring.


First, what happened to Kreashawn?

If you do ANY GODDAMMED THING AT ALL with other people watching, you're a self-absorbed narcissist.

While on a road trip far from home, I was involved in a horrible car accident in the middle of the night...in the middle of nowhere. My family and friends had been following my progress via Facebook...it seemed not only natural, but necessary, to post a selfie in the aftermath to assure everyone that I was truly

So, we are getting to the point where its only ok to take a picture when you're not in it. The moment you're in the picture, Selfie, Self absorbed, Narcissistic?

A high school student who survives a stabbing and is at least partially responsible for saving lives is a narcissist because he took a picture in the hospital afterwards? People who lived through plane crashes and documented the insane moment are narcissists now? I get being critical of the adults taking pictures at

Thanks, joke killer.

There still remains, in my opinion, one still-appropriate use of the selfie: when you wish to have a photo taken of you yet there is nobody available to take it for you. If I survived a plane crash and my phone still worked, I'd take a picture of myself as well.

Now playing

"He just plunged that knife right into my forearm. I've got to go to the hospital. But first, LET ME TAKE A SELFIE!"