

Not true. We're just picking the side of the lesser asshole. Remember uppercut bus driver guy? I was totes on his side. Lil Reese, not so much.

Yup, I'm with you. Hitting people is wrong blah blah blah but this really was a thing of beauty. This is the most "sorry not sorry" I've felt in awhile.

OMG This is the first time I have seen this vid and wow. Hitting people is wrong and I will say that forever but fuck yeah, lady. Get some.

These people that don't believe you... Do they not go outside?

That is awful! I'm so sorry that happened to you.

I like HER but I will probably never buy a CD. I know the chorus of like two of her songs.


You guys are annoyed at the Beyonce worship yet comment on stories containing Beyonce worship? I'm a little confused. Why are you going out of your way to annoy yourself?

I would like to know more about these shorts.

This a million fucking times.

I met Jared at a rave this past summer. LOL

My best friend is japanese-american and I see this shit more often than I would like. Our group of friends is mostly korean. When we let a white guy into the circle, every single one of us is on high alert until we can dertermine for sure if hes just there to meet an asian bride.

I'm so mad this got 98+ replies, I could drop dead at any second. Jezebel, Y U FEED TROLLS?!

YES Daniel Dae Kim! #swoon

What are you talking about? I'd STILL do her in that picture.

I don't know if I can get behind this Diplo indorsment. Express Yourself is my shit though!

Yeah I really cant get mad at this. It definitely wasn't a Latina only thing. Cholas came in all shades. At least where I came from.

Its not about anecdotal evidence. Its about the fact that no one will give me or any other thin person shit because we don't look fat while a fat person is judged even while trying to live a healthy lifestyle. Thats fucked up and thats why fat-shaming and body-policing is fucking stupid and if you really gave a shit

I have been skinny all my life. I never once went in a diet, I STILL don't eat vegetables, and I barely exercise. People see what I eat and wonder how I'm not fat or diabetic and I give them the ole shrug. There are plenty of people who are bigger than me who eat better than me but no matter what they do, people like