You’re taking a fairly accurate rifle and turning it into a very inaccurate bullet hose. Because the action of the bump stock ensures that you don’t have a steady hold on the rifle and makes aiming it difficult.
You’re taking a fairly accurate rifle and turning it into a very inaccurate bullet hose. Because the action of the bump stock ensures that you don’t have a steady hold on the rifle and makes aiming it difficult.
It was probably serenity for him because that was the moment he was finally free of dealing with an ungrateful nation and got his life back.
I’m pretty sure she’s being sarcastic. She’s a sarcastic kind of gal
There’s only so much us meager passengers can see during the final approach of a flight. Thanks to a new…
Ugh I had to stop watching that show because it literally made NO SENSE and I just kept screaming at the screen THAT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS WORKS.
Is it sometimes referred to as ‘led’ and not ‘lead’? Am I losing it? Or still drunk from last night? Has my home filled with carbon dioxide and caused me to finally abandon the tenuous grip I’ve painstakingly maintained with reality until this moment?
If you are a Packers fan and under 25, you should know that this is what quarterback play looks like to much of the NFL. It is what you have to look forward to someday.
I bet you get a kick out of saying NATIONAL FOOTBAW LEAGUE out loud.
Yeah, Papa John’s isn’t selling well because Papa John was bitching about NFL protests, and not because they sell shitty toilet pizza made of cardboard and garbage.
When asked for his opinion on the situation, Russell Wilson glanced around nervously and pissed his pants before discussing the Seahawks positive locker room culture.
I for one cannot wait for someone to ask Cam Newton about this
Counterpoint. Fly Delta ALWAYS. Get status. Fly 50 segments a year and NEVER have a problem.
Admitting to being Roger Clemens sounds like a good way to get yourself tased.
“In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: The police, who are are trying to plant some shit on me, and bitch I got lawyer money.”
But does he have “an adequate amount of money saved up for a rainy day when the Seahawks cut his dumb ass” money?
This take was SO bad, that Drew made it a standalone article, rather than in the JAMBOROO that comes out later TODAY!
I just want my seaQuest reboot, dammit. That show deserves another chance.