
I went three weeks once and it was awful. I think I’m still overcompensating for that horror by going every two weeks. :) I will definitely sacrifice whatever to make them happen. And I love not having any mascara issues. The only downside is that when I do get circles under my eyes, I have nothing to blame them on.

I’ve been doing them for about a year now. I absolutely LOVE how they look. No matter how shitty my day is, at least my lashes are bangin. I go every two weeks for a fill and while I probably can’t afford it, i make it work. Incidentally, I started getting them for the same reason and it really has helped. Plus having

Oh wow! That is gorgeous! Side note since you were kind enough to post a picture, what are you using on your eyebrows? They look amazing!

That’s what I was wondering. That’s an oddly specific concern.

Breathing is for peasants.

I updated SPECIFICALLY for this. Imagine my shock.

Oh I haven’t!! I didn’t realize there was a 5th book either, but I don’t want to ruin Meg. That’s really a bummer.

That cover, though. Pre-teen me was STOKED.

Many Waters was quite possibly my favorite book in the whole series. Actually, now that I’m thinking about it, they were all so fantastic. I’m 34 and I still read them.

We should place bets on which college invites him to speak

No one tell him about “manslaughter.”

I didn’t realize Jordan Morris also played for Lithuania.

I was wondering that too. So there’s a “taunting” penalty for jumping up and down, but nailing someone in the head repeatedly is okay? I’m confused...

More like Bye in this case

Doing the same in Seattle. Always a Minnesotan.

I was 8 and living in Minnesota when this happened. It’s bothered me my entire life. I cried this morning when I read it, which is unusual for me. The only positive to come out of this is Patty Wetterling’s tireless advocacy for missing children. My porch light is on.

Congratulations! That's huge! I'm on day 6 of sobriety and it's a fucking trip. You're an inspiration!

It’s true though. It absolutely never, ever fails. It’s the Vikings way.

That would be “Kaper.” Although, I've honestly never heard of it outside of it pertaining to anything kardashian related.

When I was in college, I'd get super stoned and pretend it was sorbet. I expect me no longer being in school has a lot to do with this decline.