
I can’t read D-backs without thinking it’s D-bags. It’s just too close.

Also, Pamela Anderson is back in Playboy. I feel like I might’ve been in a coma or something for 20 years.

I thought perhaps it was a sad attempt to show how she’s handicapped by fame and beauty. Now I’m extra skeeved that she’s a sex doll. She’s fucking 18. What is wrong with these people?!?!

Thank you!!! I totally agree. It’s always that chick and that’s always the EXACT moment I can skip it.

Somehow this is STILL classier (that’s right, I said it) than whatever fuckery is going on in the other picture.

All I could think was “who asked you?” I’m also of the opinion that we’re using the word “accomplishments” a tad liberally these days. The era of participation trophies is well upon us.

I couldn’t agree more. He cheated on YOUR DAUGHTER. Where’s the loyalty??? I get wanting your grandkids to have both parents in their lives, but this is just disgusting. Every single word in her caption is offensive to me.

Always separate bathrooms. With fans! Anything else is just inhumane.

So...dumb question. What the hell is “pomo-pomo-pomo”? I seriously don’t know.

Yes! I grew up with those damn things. They were everywhere in my dad’s shop. I just blocked them out, but I was also 14 so it was interesting how embarrassed the guys got about them. Well, maybe you shouldn’t have them up. I was also the ONLY female, soo....

Sidenote. The eye makeup in my profile picture was before I figured out waterproof mascara. :) don’t be alarmed.

Diorshow waterproof is awesome. However, I’ve found (and don’t laugh) the L’Oréal Miss Manga waterproof is just about as good. It took me a couple tries to figure out the brush (especially after the teddy bear one of Diorshow), however it separates and lengthens my lashes VERY nicely, doesn’t clump unless you haven’t

Or Coffee Bender. Seriously, it’s the shit.

Virtually the only reason I’m looking forward to spending Christmas in Minnesota is for the rampant accessibility of Surly Coffee Bender. I will just do what I’ve always done and drink enough that the presumptuous douchecanoes on their fixies in the snow no longer bother me.

Go with what you know? The conspiratorial part of me wonders if Dad wasn’t somehow involved. I mean, she’s 19. Really?

Seriously. How many times can you bring up your good friend Nelson Mandela in an interview. Stfu.

I am doing this right now. Someone please kill me now.

I’m so unhappy about this. I absolutely adore this blog. Thank you for making those of us who aspire to do more not feel shameful about our lack of abilities. :) your thoughtful, humorous and refreshingly honest writing has been an absolute joy to read regularly. I’m already following (stalking? J/k) you on twitter

There really is something for everyone. I think the ordering process is exactly why I wouldn’t eat there. I have a hard enough time ordering things that I can’t pronounce, but declaring myself to be anything on the menu is a bit much much for me. :)

I am...going to throw up. Wtf is wrong with people?!?! You’re basically paying someone to lie to your face for grotesquely overpriced vegetables. This is why we can’t have nice things.