Yup. Coke is coke. Not all sodas.
Yup. Coke is coke. Not all sodas.
Ah. I’d totally forgotten about that one! I think your generational assessment is spot on.
So that’s what the camo trucker hats indicate. Ohhhhh....
Yet they do, in mass quantities. Oh the humanity...
It’s never ceased to amaze me how you can have a group of 20+ adults (or, hell, 8) and not one person thinks that maybe, just maybe someone should call ahead. You do not get to act SHOCKED when there isn’t any room for you anywhere. You do not get to be disappointed that you can’t sit together. You do not get to give…
What do you suppose the “other” is??
God yes. Name your price.
That would be worth all the stolen tip money.
Please, please, please how do we get this show canceled? It’s not thought-provoking, although perhaps mildly controversial (however inadvertently), it serves zero purose except to suck brain cells from anyone unfortunate enough to be subjected to it.
I’d like to see some sort of cage match-type situation between A.C.E. and Landry’s. Fuck Landry’s. Although at least we didn’t tip out management, so...
Seems legit. DD is an upstanding chain. Only the finest park their vans behind it. Sort of the beach front property of the van parking world.
But you can’t hide her lying eyes.
This might be slightly insensitive, but when you see the pictures of these people, doesn’t it totally click? Every time I’m like “Ohhh, of course that would be you.”
You are my hero.
Thank you. Yes. I have never understood why people are so enamored by a sub-par actor with a propensity towards date rape drugs. I truly don’t understand.
The “Walker family” is small fries in the overall scheme of things. They are legitimately the least of VWs concern.
I suspect she already knows.
That’s what I thought too! Maybe he was horn-y. Hahaha.
I don’t care if it’s in my cocktail (alcohol purifies, I tell myself), but I DO NOT want every random person in the bar reaching their grubby little hands in to the olives. That’s grosser than anything.
And please, please, please. No onions. I have a pretty strong stomach but the wafting of fast food on a plane really pushes the limits.