
All I can think about is moving that chair.

I am 100% certain we worked at the same restaurant. Those things were a fucking nightmare. I absolutely LOVE getting hot oil sprayed on my hands when I’m speedwalking to whatever trainwreck table ordered it. Yes, it is hot. Now move your shit so I can set it down.

I love it! I think the best part is we’re totally not wrong.

You KNOW he does. While weeping softly in to his sustainably harvested goose down pillow.

Who either a) smokes a bowl and hangs themselves or b) smoked a bowl several days ago and because of the residual(?) effects hangs themselves??? I’m so relieved these clowns know everything there is to know about recreational marijuana use. The world is now a safer place.

It’s pure cunt-ry.

Radio. Edit. Because we wouldn’t want to offend any rapists or dog killers.

Seeing a guy like that walk in was basically my greatest nightmare serving. You know he wants to ask for ice in his white zin.

I was wondering the same thing. I thought it was supposed to be clever, but no. WTF.

Seeing that this series started today basically made my life. I can’t wait to spend hours at work reading this, laughing and crying. The anticipation is palpable for the Vikings one. It’s going to be great, just like they are. ;)

Ever tried cocktailing? I would’ve gladly welcomed that pathetic attempt at a joke versus what most customers felt was appropriate dialogue. Between the staff and the customers, I cannot be fazed by much. Any remaining shred of innocence is dead.

Oh my lord. Yes. There seriously wasn’t ANY other term available?!?!

I’m right there with you. I was a SERIOUS disaster on the pill, regardless of the dosage. I also got the Mirena and it’s awesome. The installation was extremely painful, but it’s totally worth it.

Never Forget.

I’m sorry, but if my boyfriend said god told him I needed to be led, I would be pretty pissed.

Straight through my Midwestern heart...ouch, dude.

Aww...I remember those days. Clearly MN was better for his face.

Right? He even has the three names! It was basically his destiny.

I would imagine he took part of his $15 million Chinese profit and paid some “fans” for the privilege.

My understanding has been that they pool tips anyway, so you should tip the dude who returns your car.