Heidi Hole

So your main takeaway from her post is that she writes funny, not that there was some (at the least) creepy shit going on that they had to make a rule like that in the first place? She was like 14 years old.

At the moment, my partner’s parents are visiting. They are vaccinated, we are not. My partner worked hard to find restaurants (his parents insist on eating out every meal while here) with covered and heated outdoor seating so we could still feel safe. Last night, they showed up at the restaurant and got a table inside

While we did get conflicting advice for a little while, anyone with half a brain knew that wearing a mask was the way to go by, like, mid-March.

we have received very little guidance from those in power about what is permissible versus what is advisable”

It’s a simple feeling of unfairness, compounded by the feeling that others’ irresponsibility is lengthening the pandemic, and even a personal hurt if they’ve personally lost friends and family.

that forcing a virus to be an individual responsibility instead of a community one”

You’re most likely mad at yourself for denying yourself the pleasures that someone else enjoyed.”

You’re most likely mad at yourself for denying yourself the pleasures that someone else enjoyed.

I’ve had too many loved ones suffer as is from the recklessness of others to feel sympathy at this point. This past weekend, I found out a good family friend ended up going to the hospital as a result of complications. His deadbeat son decided to visit him despite his father basically telling him not to come by. Turns

I’ve been told, and have read quite a few comments, that these were “UNDERCOVER ANTIFA AND DEEP STATE ACTORS”, but I can’t really believe that anyone who hears that excuse actually believes the person making that claim. Are they trying to cover their ass because they’re too embarrassed to admit that they would rather

She tried to hire her own lawyer, but the court decided that she wasn’t competent enough to select her own counsel (???), so they appointed her representation. And, her estate not only pays for her counsel, but for the conservatorship’s representation as well. This whole thing is just a money-making scheme for

“She deserves to be bald for the rest of her life. Can’t take care of your own body, deal with the consequences.”

I’m not saying a word about this chile. I learned the hard way that people who pronounce month as “munt” can fight. Paradoxically, her lashes, contacts and clear obsession with “lotta hair” tell me she is fragile. Send help immediately.

Aside from the aesthetics here, I am seriously worried about this woman’s head. What will happen to her follicles? Will her hair be able to grow out? Ok, everyone’s looking for humor, but it’s a bad business having this stuff anywhere on your body. I hope she’s ok.

I know this article is about how the left is, at times, comically critical of people who are their allies and how the left eat their own regularly. Women in leftist spaces are still subject to misogyny.

Perhaps I’m mistaken, but I don’t think there’s any reason for someone with cancer not to get the vaccine?  I don’t recall any data suggesting it is more dangerous for them?  And getting the actual virus would seem to be more dangerous. 

You guys. It’s fine. McCarthy is going to talk to her...someday...maybe...about something or other...and then...ya know...unity!

A movie about a woman setting herself up as prey for rapists sees her as not hot enough to get raped?! :0

Flight was better than I was expecting it to be. Probably one of his better performances from the ‘00s.