Heidi Hole

“Due to “ego and pride,” he surmises, the Minneapolis Police officers involved in Floyd’s death “didn’t want to seem inferior (by) conceding to those around them.”

No. Those cops were thinking “imma kill this nigga When people are yelling at you to stop killing someone and you keep doing it then you’re a killer. No

Wake me when he admits there’s a blue wall of silence that also contributes to this situation, or that he’s seen some shit that he didn’t report because he didn’t want to be ostracized. And don’t suggest that Floyd died because the officer felt threatened by the mostly black crowd.

“To my law enforcement folks, we got this. We can turn this thing around.”

Dear Andrea Natale,

Nah, I can place blame on him too. Lord knows the right did with Trayvon Martin when he was killed by a murderous vigilante. The fact that he was 17 didn’t mean shit to them. And honestly, considering his mother transported him over state lines, her fucking ass should be in jail too.

Not gonna lie, this one shocks the hell out of me. Fucking JERRY from Cheer? An 18/19-year-old asking for a 13 year-olds nudes is absolutely gross. Who next, Baby Yoda? Why do men have to be such a disappointment?

Was this guy Benjamin-Buttoning when they took that photo?

The stitch work on the cardigan is very nice.

“For all of the Christians that are questioning my post with my husband’s hand on my boob

Hello! No recommendations, but welcome, and you might also want to check out The Salad Bowl, another kinja blog as well;

Kinja question: How do we star/like articles we like? I really enjoyed this article. Thank you for writing it, Kelly. There used to be a way to star articles to signal approval without going into the comments just to chirp “Like this!” (which I can do, though it seems spammy).

Smug bitchiness, huh?

My jaw seriously dropped when I got to that part. Why the fuck would you think Simone Fucking Biles is at risk of drowning?? Presumably she CAN swim if she is investing in this pool, so suggesting she can’t is... not a good look.

Is Jez really doing a story about “how will the short little black lady swim”??? About the most amazing U.S. amateur female athlete? Yikes.

The idea that pregnancy isn’t dangerous has the same root as why people don’t think measles are dangerous. We’ve made pregnancy so safe (even with how dangerous it still is!) that people have forgotten the historical death toll. Measles used to ravage populations, and women used to die in childbirth all the time. It

I forgot Cheer was a thing and read Cheers, and thought that was a really morbid joke about Ernie Pantusso.  

What occurred was an unfortunate situation for everyone involved.

Fucking yes!

They’re not as popular as they once were, but let’s not forget there is still a whole genre of reality television dedicated to shows that profit off anti-fatness

Ah but you see they mist criticize everything they do. Nevermind the fact that Kotaku already covered it amd they could have just linked there but then that would expose that Kotaku were also obviously being snarky even in just the headline.