Heidi Hole

The fact that 57 cops in 1 DIVISION of 1 department quit that division (but not their jobs as cops, sadly...) in support of the animals who nearly killed (or killed...it remains to be seen if he’ll even lived through this) Gugino should completely destroy the “good cop” narrative. I say “should”, but it probably won’t.

Calling the cops on someone for something she didn’t do is not “racially insensitive comments”. At a glance, it doesn’t seem like she knows what she did wrong.

It took hard, stupid, active effort to be a shittier paper than the Tribune Review.

What a lazy action for any journalistic endeavor to undertake. Most reporters have bias since they are human beings, people have strong opinions regardless of the color of their skin and the memes they tweet, the only thing editors should do is to watch for bias interfering with the work those reporters produce.

Typical, when it comes to racism Black people have a bias but white people who keep their heads up their asses and refuse to acknowledge it are “objective.”

This person would know the answer to your question if they watched the video, but I suspect they're one of those disingenuous all lives matter assholes 😏

He can apologize by kissing my black ass, and then he can resign.

You are giving them a latitude of which I would not be humanly capable. I’m alone in my apartment and merely reflecting on conversations I have had with co-workers over the past week feels like enough to give me a stroke. I appreciate your demonstrating a humanity which I myself feel unable to experience at the

I’ve spent a few evenings watching a white journalist reporting from Portland, OR, saw him teargassed a few times but it never had me worried for his safety. Last night I saw Michael Harriot’s tweet that he’d been arrested, and I was more worried about a stranger than I’ve ever been. It was a relief to see

She saved her venom for people she thought she could intimidate, as bullies have done forever. She picked out people who are “vulnerable”and traditionally not afforded respect-POC, trans, fat, gay-and disrespected them in the most obvious ways possible.

He also called for giving “no quarter.” A no quarter order is a war crime (and, in the US anyway, is usually most often associated with the Civil War, where white soldiers would be taken as POWs, but black soldiers would be offered no quarter and executed after a battle).

What’s wrong with what Kristin Bell is doing?

Now playing

Nothing says “woke” more than a picture of a white dude and a black dude, risking it all during these pandemic times, doing a symbolic soul-shake.

Um, I think that was my point. 

You have to understand, Canadians are the most polite of all the members of the British Commonwealth. The have elevated the quiet and measured response to an art form. Also consider Canadians have a less-than-stellar track record on the issue and you can see why Trudeau had to pause and think.

What would really change the conversation isn’t listening but rather apologizing from a place of privilege.

Shut up Tomato

I want to see the Venn diagram of people who spouted “Kamala is a cop” anti-prosecutor nonsense and the people who will now hate on Klobuchar for not being an aggressive enough prosecutor.

I...she should have prosecuted those cops, tho...?

On the other hand, a couple of my black friends have been posting that they’re sick of seeing their white friends’ timelines look like business as usual. There isn’t a good answer here - Ally Olympics vs. White Silence - I think all we can do is be honest about our intentions in posting.