I thought she was supposed to be his mom at first and was really confused.
I thought she was supposed to be his mom at first and was really confused.
wait, that’s his GIRLFRIEND?! with that angle and lighting, it took me a minute because she looks so old.
To start what? Restricting immigration isn’t a tactic against racism. Your hobby horse isn’t relevant to the topic at hand. If China turned itself around tomorrow, there would still be racism, because that’s how racism works.
That is the max campaign contribution an individual can make.
Ole Governor Bighead. If only he’d govern like this to help Baltimore in non-COVID times.
Good for her. I bet she really loves the american love of violence.
“I have zero interest in being a professional politician.” - Is basically the MO of the entire Republican Party at this point. Get elected, get paid, fuck actually trying to run a functioning government or help people or anything.
100% correct. All they want is notoriety. They have not one new idea to put forth.
A candidate who says things like, “I have zero interest in being a professional politician” is a liar.
With a tagline including she’s “sick of arrogant socialists like AOC, who’ve never even run a lemonade stand, trying to tell us how to live in Alabama and that more government is the answer” how could she fail?
Say what you will about Che, respect due on this one. RIP Grandma Martha
I do but I understand he did it to see if vampires got all the fun. Also I like he is filling a bucketlist: werewolf, vampire, angel,white rabbit.
I am THRILLED that there’s literally any backlash to this. On one hand, I knew it was pretty unlikely that they were legit going to give away a dress to every teacher who asked for one. On the other, nothing on their website or their google form (they did a giveaway with a god damn google form!) said anything about…
I’m asking myself the same questions while I struggle to work and take care of an infant 24/7. I’m sucking super hard at both right now and it’s been the best (and i mean worst) experiment in self loathing. The idea of staying at home didn’t rattle me too much but failure of everything else in my life is taking it’s…
Good looking out, Brother
By an 8-point margin, more voters picked Trump (44 percent) as a better leader during the crisis than Biden (36 percent),
“Sewist” is the gender neutral term - sew-er is too much like those subterranean pipes that carry sewage.
I live in Milwaukee and I think when this is done, in a just society, those Republican legislators should be charged criminally for the death and destruction they are causing all so a horrifying bigot can keep his position on the broken Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Mr. Che,