What Stacy Abram’s actually said:
What Stacy Abram’s actually said:
Funny how different folks see things differently! As a Black woman, I do not think the Black man/White woman pairing is “refreshing” at all, LOL. In fact, just the opposite—it’s pretty much the “default” interracial pairing you see in media and pop culture, which serves to re-enforce the cultural “desirability” of…
“I know the idiotic Root is totally against callin dem BAD PO-LICE, but this lady was assaulted. She should have called the cops and filed a police report THEN sued the crap out of this bank.”
You shouldn’t be able to settle out on the stipulation that you don’t admit fault. That shit don’t jive with me.
“the German-born doctor, who once came under fire for performing an abortion on a 10-year-old girl who was raped by her uncle”
I’m with you here 100%. At the beginning of this bullshit, I was split between Warren and Harris (especially back when she was teasing progressive policies) and would have been happy with both. My dream at the time was that all of the side candidates would drop out along the way, and we would dive into the primaries co…
And Kamala who actually gave a damn and was in it to help people, not her huge ego.
Remember all of y’all with the “Kamala Is A Cop” bullshit? We’ll, now y’all got “Cop” Amy to deal with, who is a much less interesting and much less compelling and much more problematic version of that.
Why is her “Look at me! I’m white and conservative and safe! **wink, wink**” ass getting a second look at not someone like Elizabeth Warren? And why couldn’t this have been Castro, Booker or Harris?
Hi, I work in abortion care and have for almost 20 years. Plenty of people celebrate abortion — it’s legality, their ability to access one when they need to, and that people are seeming to become more aware that it is not some dirty secret that one should be ashamed of. Abortion is freedom and healthcare, all rolled…
White kids who go on mission trips abroad are often very racist. They’re either n-word droppers like this chode or see black and brown children as props for their own doo-gooder humblebrags. Source: I’m a white girl who grew up evangelical.
This is the kind of headline that could have used a definite article at the opening. “Doctor Who Tried to Warn...” has a distinctly different meaning for some people than if they were to read “The Doctor Who Tried to Warn....”
Fair to his daughter?! Her father’s actions (being a rich ball player) enabled him to get away with being a rapist roaming free AND for her to be able to avoid traffic by riding in freakin’ helicopters everyday!
This is kind of an icky comment. You are having problematic thoughts regarding Asian people and an Asian grocery store, and you are trying to use the “but I’m a PARENT” line to excuse racism. I encourage you to examine these feelings and consider how you are sounding.
I don’t know if it’s overreaction or racism, but yeah, you should examine your feelings about that store. You are just as likely to brush elbows with [a family member who came into contact with your local coronavirus case] at Dunkin Donuts or Kroger or Walgreens or whatever. Don’t feel bad about being hyper risk…
My experience has been that of rolling racism. I cough. People look horrified. Someone asks if I’m Chinese. I tell them I’m not Chinese, I’m Korean. Then I get asked which Korea I’m from.
Why do “people” like you come here? Your comment & username just make you pathetic...not smart or witty or better, just absolutely pathetic. Only a complete asshole could champion taking advantage of someone due to lack of experience & knowledge....
If an artist is racist but a work is not transparently racist, can you separate the art from the artist and enjoy it?
Not really true in Lovecraft’s case, though.
Reread The Call of Cthulu and pay attention to his descriptions of people, you’ll notice that it’s not as separate from his writings as you think.